

单词 echoer
释义 ech·o·er 英'ekəʊ美'ekoʊ
C回声; 共鸣

a sound sent back or repeated from a surface

vt. & vi. 回响

sound again; repeat in sound

vt. 重复; 随声附和

say or do always what another says or does

the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves;

she could hear echoes of her own footsteps

Greek mythology a nymph who was spurned by Narcissus and pined away until only her voice remaineda reply that repeats what has just been saida reflected television or radio or radar beama close parallel of a feeling, idea, style, etc.;

his contention contains more than an echo of Rousseau

Napoleon III was an echo of the mighty Emperor but an infinitely better man

an imitation or repetition;

the flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client's still life

to say again or imitate;

followers echoing the cries of their leaders

ring or echo with sound;

the hall resounded with laughter

call to mind;

His words echoed John F. Kennedy

用作名词 n.
动词+~arouse an echo激起反响hear an echo听到回声produce an echo产生回声形容词+~strong echos明显仿效名词+~radar echo雷达回波~+名词echo box回波箱echo sounder回音探测器介词+~cheer sb to the echo给某人大声喝彩~+介词an echo among the hills群山间的回声用作动词 v.~+副词echo anxiously焦急地附和echo cheerily活泼地重复echo faintly微弱地回响echo heartbreakingly令人心碎地回响echo heartily精神饱满地重复echo joyously高兴地重复echo loudly响声震天echo melodiously〔sonorously〕发出悦耳的回声echo mockingly嘲弄地重复echo responsively灵敏地重复echo stupidly愚蠢地重复echo tremblingly颤抖地重复echo back回响echo off回响渐渐远去echo round四处回荡~+介词echo among在…回荡echo back from从…发出回声echo in〔round, through〕在…回响echo with回荡着…
用作名词n.to the echo

长时间而大声地long and loudly

echo back v.+adv.

发出回声; 附和意见 return the sound or idea of (sth)

echo sth ⇔ backThe hill echoed back the noise of the shot.从山那边传来了枪声的回响。
This cave echoes back every word you speak.你在这个窑洞里说的每一个字都发出回声。
The valley echoed back her song.山谷里回响着她的歌声。
Why do you always have to echo back my opinions like this?你为什么总是这样非附和我的意见不可呢?echo back from sthThe sound echoes back from the walls.这声音从墙壁发出回声。
The cry echoed back from the mountain.从山岭传来呼唤的回声。
echo in v.+prep.

在某处回响起 sound again in some place

echo in sthOur voices echoed in the empty valley.我们的声音在空谷中回响。
The sounds of gongs and drums echoed in the great hall.大会堂里锣鼓喧天。
His words echoed in her ears.他的话在她的耳际回响。
echo off v.+adv.

响声渐渐远去 disappear slowly

echo off into sthTheir voices echoed off into the night.他们的说话声渐渐远去,消失在夜空之中。
echo with v.+prep.

指某处回荡某声音( be filled with the repeating effect of a sound)

echo with sthThe room echoed with the sound of music.音乐声在房间中回响。
The corridor echoed with footsteps.走廊里回响着脚步声。
The old house echoed with the children's laughter.那座旧房子里回荡着孩子们的笑声。
The cave was echoing with shouts.山洞内回荡着叫喊声。近义词 ring戒指quote引述repeat重复parrot鹦鹉copy复制品mirror镜子recall回忆imitate仿效rebound弹回endorse赞同resonate共鸣reaction反应duplicate副本come back回来reiterate重申resonance共鸣reproduce再生reverberate回响resound使回响resemble与…相似replication复制reverberation反响sound reflection声反射
用作名词n.She shouted “hello” and listened for the echo.她大喊“喂”,然后倾听回音。
I could hear the echoes in this temple.我在这座庙里能听到回声。
She has no original opinion; she's just his husband's echo.她没有主见,只是她丈夫的应声虫。
His words were no echoes in their minds.他讲的话在他们的心中没有引起什么反应。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe sound of the cannon echoed around.大炮的轰鸣声在四处回响。
The thunder echoed among hills.雷声在山间回响。
The cowbells echoed across the valley.牛铃的声音在山谷中回荡。
The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the room.那位演讲人洪亮的声音在室内回荡。
S+~+ n./pron.The cavern walls echoed his cries.大山洞的四壁回响着他的喊声。
The child echoed his mother's words.这个小孩重复着他妈妈的话。
I should like to echo the words of the previous speaker.我想重复前面一位发言者的话。
His speech echoed my own feelings.他的讲话反映了我的感情。


echo既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与back, with等词连用。

用作不及物动词His voiceechoedin the big empty hall.他的声音在空荡的大厅里发出回声。
Our songsechoedover the mountains and seas.我们的歌声在山海之间回响。
The roomechoedwith their happy laughter.房间里回荡着他们的欢笑声。用作及物动词This kind of fashionechoedan earlier style.这种流行风潮仿效了早期的时尚。
What he said is ridiculous, but many peopleechoedhis words.他的讲话真荒唐,但竟然有很多人随声附和。用作名词There are manyechoesof Shakespeare in his work.他的作品中有很多处模仿莎士比亚.




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