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East Turkestan 基本例句 东突厥斯坦 Remember illegal occupation of Tibet,East Turkestan&Genocide in Darfur.台湾国泱泱大国早西进搞定各省女人! “East Turkestanis rich in resources, but we have not seen the economic benefits.“东突厥斯坦资源丰富,但是我们没有看到政府给当地带来任何经济利益。 Several independent states -- one calledEast Turkestan-- were established there.建立了几个独立的国家,其一叫东土耳其斯坦。 In the 1930s and 1940s, a Republic ofEast Turkestantwice enjoyed a brief independence in parts of Xinjiang.在二十世纪三十年代和四十年代,东突共和国曾两次在新疆的部分地区取得了短暂的独立。 Not just in Tibet andEast Turkestan, but disaffected chinese everywhere in ”china“.不仅仅是在西藏,东哈萨斯坦,而且不满的人在中国到处都有。 Officials have said militants seeking an independent ”East Turkestanhomeland are among the biggest threats.官员说,武装分子寻求一个独立的“东突”祖国是最大的威胁。 |