

单词 East Germans
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East German;East Germany的变形
In a recent poll by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen, a research outfit, 91% of east Germans“ Ossis” and85% of west Germans“ Wessis” said unification was the right choice.
研究机构Forschungsgruppe Wahlen最近的一次调查显示,91%的东德人 Ossis和85%的西德人 Wessis认为,两德统一是正确的选择。 ecocn

The West Germans gave the equivalent of a trillion dollars to the East Germans in the decade that followed unification with little hesitation.
西德在十年中给予了东德一万亿美元的等价物,紧随而来的是几乎毫不犹豫的统一。 yeeyan

But east Germans are“ thankful for the all- German solidarity,” and expect it to continue.

Certainly, and other nationals, not only the Russians, can be used. There are many examples, especially with East Germans.
那是当然。其他国家也会有,而且不光光是俄罗斯人。例子很多,尤其在前东德就不计其数。 yeeyan

Leipzig in the autumn of1989: thousands of East Germans take to the streets.
1989年的莱比锡:成千上万的东德人涌向街头。 fanhall.com

Moreover, few East Germans appeared to want change.
而且,东德人看起来都安于现状。 ecocn

November9, 1989: West Berlin citizens welcoming East Germans who passed a border checkpoint at Invalidenstrasse after East Germany opened its border.
1089年11月9号:在东德部队打开边防之后,西德市民热烈欢迎穿过 Invalidenstrasse检测站的东德同胞们。 yeeyan

There are some East Germans who remember the so called national honor and equality of the past.
会有东德人怀念过去时代的所谓国家荣耀,过去时代的所谓平均。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are many examples, especially with East Germans.
例子很多,尤其在前东德就不计其数。 yeeyan

This first crack in the Iron Curtain would ultimately allow East Germans who traveled legally to Hungary to exit the East Bloc and make their way to West Germany.
铁幕这一最早的破裂最终使东德人离开东魁合法地前往匈牙利,走向西德。 yeeyan

Thousands of East Germans surged past checkpoints into the west, as East German guards suddenly opened the border.
数千名东德人在东德警察忽然开放边界时越过检查站涌入西德。 iciba

Years ago, before the East Germans began rebuilding their churches, they erected a secular structure: the television tower at Alexander Platz.
多年前,西德开始重建他们的教堂前,他们盖了一个长期的建筑物:在亚历山大地区的一个电视塔。 blog.sina.com.cn

East Germans wanted freedom and were not afraid to demand it.
东德人民渴望自由,而且不再害怕要求它了。 yeeyan




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