释义 |
east europe 基本例句 东欧 From Red to Gray: Ageing Populations in East Europe and Central Asia: The region needs to get ready to grapple with a unique situation of rapidly aging yet relatively poor populations. 《从豆蔻年华到满头白发:东欧与中亚地区的老龄人口》:本地区要准备好应对迅速老龄化且相对较贫困的人口问题。 worldbank If China collapsed as the Russia and the east Europe, that definitely would be a geopolitical disaster, which might even result in a worldwide economic disaster. 而如果中国真的走向前苏联和东欧那样分崩离析的道路,那将是一场绝对的地缘政治灾难,甚至导致全球经济灾难。 blog.sina.com.cn |