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词汇 Eastern Hebei
释义 Eastern Hebei
Roles in the “local yangko in eastern Hebei”include niu , chou , gongzi and laokuai .“冀东地秧歌”大致分为妞、丑、公子、老 汇等角色,除老 汇
Palagioclase hornblendite of the Archeozoic Qianxi Croup Jincahngyu Formation is closely associated with the gold mineralization in eastern Hebei province.冀东太古界迁西群金厂峪组斜长角闪岩与金矿关系密切.
The Archeozoic metamorphic rocks in Sanjia, eastern Hebei are dividedinto supracrustal rocks, felsic gneisses and granitoids.将冀东三家地区太古宙变质岩系分为上壳岩、长英质片麻岩和花岗岩三类,并对各岩类的地质地球化学特征及演化进行了阐述。
This became known as the Eastern Hopei Incident.这就是冀东事变。
The first Sm-Nd synchrone obtained in China with Sm-Nd methods is introduced and Sm-Nd isotopic geological dating in Early Archaean rocks in eastern Hebei has been determined.适合低含量Sm,Nd的加压离子交换法。 同时介绍应用Sm-Nd法得出的我国第一条Sm-Nd等时线,测出了冀东早太古代岩石Sm-Nd同位素地质年龄。
There is clear feature of zonations in Si, Fe, Mg and Mg/ for amphibole in Archaean tonalitic gneisses in Malanyu area, eastern Hebei Province.冀东马兰峪地区出露较大面积的太古宙含紫苏辉石的英云闪长质片麻岩,其中角闪石矿物的Si、Fe、Mg、Mg/等呈明显的环带特点。




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