

单词 earth-shattering
释义 earth-shattering ˈɜːθʃætərɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁶⁷¹¹BNC⁶⁶⁹⁸⁴iWeb³³⁸⁷⁷
adj.惊天动地的; 极其重大的; 影响深远的
The rise in inflation was hardly earth-shattering: consumer prices increased by3.3% in the year to November compared with3.2% in October.
通货膨胀的增加带来的结果几乎是惊天动地的:消费价格到今年十一月份为止增长了3.3%,十月份时该数据为3.2%。 ecocn

As college students, employers often do not expect you to work during the summer there will be anything earth-shattering success.
而作为大学生,雇主通常并不指望您在暑期工作期间会有什么惊天动地的成就。 ezhaorc

Given the hormonal imbalances, headaches and pain many women feel during menstruation, this is hardly an earth-shattering discovery.
考虑到月经期间众多女性忍受的荷尔蒙失调、头痛和痛经等,这项研究结果实在算不上什么惊天动地的大发现。 yeeyan

Hardly earth-shattering code, but it gives us a starting point.
这算不上什么令人惊讶的代码,但给我们提供了一个起点。 ibm

Sound earth-shattering noise, the earth shook violently for both sides followed the collapse of buildings, and set off a Unit dust.
一声惊天动地的巨响,大地剧烈的震动起来,两边的楼房随之倒塌了,掀起一股股尘埃。 blog.sina.com.cn

The changes that JAXP1.3 makes to the parsing- related interfaces that it defines directly are not earth-shattering.
JAXP1.3对其直接定义的解析相关接口的修改不大。 ibm

Their finding is“ novel, but not earth-shattering, ” Lotto said.
他们的研究结果是“新颖的,却不是惊天动地的,”洛托说。 yeeyan

This is not earth-shattering stuff.
这不是什么惊天动地的东西。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

While the material design isn't Earth-shattering, Rickman says the novelty is in the transparency.
材料的设计并不惊天动地,里克曼说,它的创新点在于它的透明度。 yeeyan




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