

单词 earthlike
释义 earthlike 英'ɜːθlaɪk美'ɜːθlaɪk COCA⁵⁹⁹³²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³

earth colored; of something having a color of soil or earth;

a range of earthlike colors

resembling or characteristic of earth;

earthlike atmosphere

同义词 earthen,loamy,terrestrial
terrestrialadjective earthly
earthbound,earthy,global,mundane,physical,profane,prosaic,secular,sublunary,subsolar,telluric,temporal,terrene,uncelestial,unspiritual,worldly Assuming they were talking about earthlike life— which they were, since it's the only kind we understand— the target planets would have to be earthlike too.
假定他们说的是与地球上相似的生命体——因为这是我们唯一了解的类型——那目标星球就一定也与地球相似。 yeeyan

But“ Earthlike” is a relative term.
但“类地”只是相对而言。 suiniyi

Cameras strapped on either side of Viking 1’s lander helped scientists calculate distances on the surprisingly Earthlike surface of the red planet.
红色星球表面和地球表面有着惊人相似,捆绑在着落器两侧的摄像机有助科学家计算距离。 yeeyan

For instance, some systems could house only Earthlike planets and no gas giants, Gould said.
例如,有些恒星系统只能容纳类地行星却没有气体巨星, Gould说道。 com

For a planet to be truly Earthlike, how long it has been around might be one of its most important features.
对于一个真正的类地行星来说,它存在了多久也许是最关键的特征之一。 ecocn

If it does, that would have important implications for Kepler’s main mission, which is to search for Earthlike planets.
如果是,那么对于“开普勒”望远镜搜寻类地型行星这个主要任务来说将有着重要的牵连意义。 ecocn

In the past few years, however, new satellite images have provided much more compelling evidence that stable, Earthlike conditions prevailed on Mars for long periods.

Less massive worlds— including HD85512b— are more likely to have Earthlike atmospheres, made mostly of nitrogen and oxygen.
质量更小的星球--包括 HD85512b--更有可能有类似地球的大气层,绝大部由氮气和氧气组成。 yeeyan

Scientists have discovered the first confirmed Earthlike planet outside our solar system, they announced Wednesday.
科学家们周三宣称,已经证实发现了太阳系外第一颗类地行星。 suiniyi

These kinds of statistics can help us figure out what star- planet systems are like in general, and that has implications for whether there are Earthlike planets or not.
这些统计数据可以帮助我们了解恒星-行星系统是什么样的,并发现可能有类地行星的星系。 www.ngmchina.com.cn




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