

单词 earthiest
释义 earth·y 英'ɜːθi美'ɜːrθi COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
conspicuously and tastelessly indecent;

coarse language

a crude joke

crude behavior

an earthy sense of humor

a revoltingly gross expletive

a vulgar gesture

full of language so vulgar it should have been edited

not far removed from or suggestive of nature;

the earthy taste of warm milk fresh from the cow

earthy smells of new-mown grass

hearty and lusty;

an earthy enjoyment of life

of or consisting of or resembling earth;

it had an earthy smell

only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean

sensible and practical;

has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem

her earthy common sense

earthy manganese锰土earthy element土族元素earthy water医 含土质水…earthy cobalt钴土矿earthy spring泥泉earthy tripolite硅藻土earthy impurity泥状杂质
近义词 gross总的dirty脏的sexy性感的crude天然的terrene土的brash鲁莽的muddy泥泞的basic基本的bawdy淫猥的rough粗糙的vulgar通俗的coarse粗糙的clayey粘土的carnal肉体的folksy朴素的simple简单的natural自然的sensual肉欲的fleshly肉体的cloddy土块多的churlish粗野的rude粗鲁无礼的shameless无耻的realistic现实的practical明智的raunchy不整洁的ribald说话猥亵的indecorous失礼的abandoned被抛弃的hard-boiled煮透的artless单纯自然的unrefined未精炼的unblushing不脸红的down-to-earth实际的pragmatic实用主义的untutored未受教导的voluptuous激起性欲的unaffected不受影响的unpretentious不炫耀的uninhibited不受禁止的matter-of-fact实事求是的no-nonsense不容许胡说的…unsophisticated不谙世故的

用作形容词The houses in the village are mostlyearthy.村里的房子多数是用泥土打造的。
The air is full of anearthysmell after the rain.雨后的空气里弥漫着一种土腥味。
He often has got aearthysense of humour.他常常有粗俗的幽默感。
Michael has anearthysense of humour; he likes rude jokes.迈克尔有一种粗俗的幽默感,他喜欢讲粗俗的笑话。
There was something vital andearthyand coarse about him that appealed to her.他身上有一种生气勃勃的粗俗味儿吸引着她。
I veer towards theearthyart of India, Indonesia and Malaysia.印度、印尼和马来西亚的朴实的艺术作品深深吸引我。
There is anearthyquality appreciated in music such as jazz or soul.乡土音色如爵士乐或爵士灵歌中有种朴实无华的音色。




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