

单词 early date
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As for the International Conference on Haiti, China endorses the international community's efforts to help Haiti start its reconstruction at an early date.
关于加拿大蒙特利尔海地重建会议,中方对国际社会为帮助海地及早开展重建工作所作的努力表示赞赏。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Chinese people wish wholeheartedly they would live happy and peaceful lives at an early date and China is willing to offer aid within our capabilities.
衷心希望他们能够早日过上幸福安宁的生活,并愿为他们提供力所能及的帮助。 bab

It is hoped that Iraq form a new Administration at an early date and bring all parties together to achieve enduring peace and stability.
希望伊拉克新一届政府尽快组成,凝聚各派力量,实现国家的长治久安。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

All these were processed in a good order. The silkworm rearing rooms should also be cleaned up in an early date.
洗蚕具、修蚕台、扎蚕蔟,一切都有条不紊地进行。 blog.sina.com.cn

All the major opposition parties should actively participate in political negotiation process and reach a single position in negation at an early date.
达区所有的主要反对派别都应积极参与政治谈判进程,尽快形成统一的谈判立场。 xinhuanet

Although the linked- pearl motif originated at an early date in China, it was only in the mid-6th century that it became popular.
联珠纹在中国虽有更早的源头,但它从6世纪中期才开始流行。 zidian8

As a close neighbor of Afghanistan, we hope that peace can be achieved in Afghanistan at an early date.
作为阿富汗的近邻,我们希望阿早日实现和平。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

China hopes to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Myanmar in narcotics control and sign the agreement on narcotics control cooperation at an early date.
中方希望与缅方加强双边和多边禁毒合作,早日签署禁毒合作协议。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

In the experiment a kind of mushroom under the premise that in the hands of farmers to promote, led farmers to plant and raise their income, poverty at an early date.
在实验种出香菇的前提下,在推广到农民手中,带动农民种植,提高农民收入,早日脱贫致富。 tianya

We look forward to your settlement at early date.
希望你们尽早进行结算。 ebigear

We hope that relevant parties reach an agreement through negotiations at an early date.
我们希望有关各方能够尽快通过协商就该问题达成一致。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

We hope that the parties could reach consensus on the Programme of Work at an early date on the basis of the Five Ambassadors' Proposal.
我们希望各方以“五国大使方案”为基础,尽早就工作计划达成一致。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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