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词汇 ear
释义 ear 英ɪə美ɪrAHDîr ★★★☆☆常小中高研牛4COCA¹⁵²²BNC²⁹¹¹iWeb²⁰⁶³Economist⁷¹⁶³


either of the two organs by which people or animals hear, each side of the head


keen recognition of sounds, especially in music or languages

S倾听; 注意

sympathetic attention


the head of a grain-producing plant, used for food

the sense organ for hearing and equilibriumgood hearing;

he had a keen ear

a good ear for pitch

the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external earattention to what is said;

he tried to get her ear

fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn

❌ He has neither ears for music nor eyes for painting.

✔️ He has neither ear for music nor eye for painting.



❌ He turned deaf ears to his teacher's warning.

✔️ He turned a deaf ear to his teacher's warning.

表示“对…置若罔闻”,可以说turn a deaf ear to…,在这个习语里, ear是单数,前面须带不定冠词a。

1.耳朵,来自PIE*ous, 耳朵,进一步来自PIE*au,感知,词源同auricle, audit, aesthete.
2.麦穗,来自词根ac, 尖,刺,词源同acid, acumen.
用作名词 n.
动词+~believe one's ears相信所听到的话bend an ear留心听box one's ear打某人的耳光close one's ears充耳不闻cover one's ears捂住耳朵gain ear引起注意give a ear to听取…give one's ears不惜任何代价have ear for music喜欢音乐have sb's ear引起注意lend an ear to注意听…meet the ear被听到stop one's ears充耳不闻talk sb's ear对某人唠叨不休win a ear引起注意形容词+~dull ear听觉迟钝ill-developed ear发育不全的耳朵inner ear内耳middle ear中耳musical ear音乐欣赏力practiced ear经过训练的耳朵quick ear灵敏的听觉sharp ear灵敏的听觉介词+~about one's ears在近旁,引起麻烦by ear凭听觉play it by ear临机应变play music by ear不看乐谱弹奏乐曲have a word in sb's ear同某人私下谈话give sb a box on the ear打某人一记耳光familiar to the ear耳熟sweet to the ear悦耳up to the ears in深陷于…之中with all one's ears全神贯注地听~+介词an ear of corn玉米穗an ear of wheat麦穗all ears to〔at〕全神贯注地听…
用作名词n.a word in sb's ear

〈非正式〉悄悄话,耳语 a private talk

about one's ears

彻底地,猛烈地 all round one

be all ears

全神贯注地听着,专心倾听 listen eagerly

bring sth down about one's ears

失败,毁灭;希望、计划等落空 to or into complete collaps, defeat, or ruin; to the destruction of a person's plans, hopes, etc.

box sb's ears

打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head

bring a storm about sb's ears

引起对某人的强烈反感〔愤怒〕 cause sb to be very tiresome or angry

come out of one's ears

大量 be in great excess

come to〔reach〕 one's ears

让…听到 be made aware of

fall on deaf ears

未受到重视; 未被理睬,不被听取 not be mentioned

fall on one's ears

听起来 sound

gain the ear of

得到某人的注意 get sb to listen to one

give an ear to

倾听,注意 listen; pay attention to

give one's ears

不惜任何代价要( make great personal sacrifice for; pay any price for)

give sb a thick ear

打…耳光 slap sb on the side of the head

go in one ear and out of the other

左耳进,右耳出; 只当耳旁风 be not really listening

have long ears

爱打听别人的事情 be inquisitive

have one's ears burning

耳朵发热 be the subject of conversation

have the ear of

意见、看法等得到某人重视; 被某人听取和接受 (ideas, opinions etc. are respected by sb)

lend an ear

细听,倾听 listen attentively

on one's ear

轻率 hurriedly

play by ear

凭听觉而不是识谱来演奏音乐 play a tune which one has heard, remembered, or invented but not seen written in notes

play by earI could play by ear.我能够凭听觉而不是识谱来演奏音乐。
No one could play by ear.没有人能够凭听觉而不是识谱来演奏乐器。play sth by earI can play the piano by ear, but I regret now that I never learned to read music properly.我能不看乐谱弹奏钢琴,不过现在我后悔没有真正学会识乐谱。play it by ear

见机行事 judge the correct way to deal with sth as it happens, without fixed plans in advance

prick up one's ears

立刻竖起耳朵仔细听 suddenly start listening carefully

ring in one's ears

言犹在耳 sound like a bell in (a space)

set by the ears

使争吵不休 lead to disharmony among people

set sb by the earsThe mere mention of the subject set the whole company by the ears.一提起这个题目,就引起众人的争吵。
Trying to agree where to go on holiday set the family by the ears.试图商定去哪里度假,结果造成了家庭不和。shut one's ears to

对…充耳不闻 pretend not to hear

strain one's ears

尽力倾听 try one's best to listen

throw out on sb's ear

不客气地把某人打发走 forcibly eject sb

throw sb out on sb's earThe drunk was making a nuisance of himself and so the manager threw him out on his ear.那醉汉自己招人讨厌,因此经理不客气地把他打发走了。turn a deaf ear to

置若罔闻,装没听到 pay no attention to; pretend not to hear

up to one's ears

深深卷入 overwhelmed with

wet behind the ears

少不更事,无所适从 inexperienced

with half an ear

不专心听( listen inattentively)

故事记忆有一个 Year年天空很 Clear晴朗下有个 Bear狗熊被割掉 Ear耳朵气跑了 Dear爱人想起了 Swear誓言流出了 Tear眼泪把眼镜 Wear戴上啃一个 Pear梨心里很 Fear害怕老虎在 Near附近可能会 Hear听见马上就 Appear出现赶快找 Spear矛非常记忆e鹅〖编码〗+ar矮人〖拼音〗⇒鹅把矮人的耳朵啄伤了近义词 heed注意feel感觉note笔记knack技巧spike长钉talent天赋regard尊敬audition听notice注意hearing听力auricle外耳earlobe耳垂earhole耳孔ability能力facility设备attention注意outer ear外耳pinna解耳廓middle ear鼓室sensitivity敏感external ear外耳shell-like似壳的internal ear内耳attentiveness注意heedfulness深切注意sense of hearing听觉hearing organ听觉器官capitulum植头状花序…
用作名词n.Her trained ear detected the weaknesses.她训练有素的耳朵听出了这些弱点。
His right ear was taken off.他的右耳被割除了。
The blind touched the elephant's ear and said that it was just like a huge fan.这位盲人触摸到大象的一只耳朵,然后说这头大象像一把大扇子。
Big rings hang from her ears.她耳朵下面垂着大耳环。
She hit him on the ears.她打了他一记耳光。
Bullets whistled past our ears.子弹从我们耳边呼啸而过。
I was too afraid of her to shudder, too afraid of her to put my fingers to my ears.我怕她怕得不敢发抖,怕得不敢用手指捂耳朵。
I heard him say so with my own ears.我亲耳听他这么说的。
Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。
Everybody says there is more in his statement than meets the ear.大家都说他话中有话。
She has a good ear for languages.她学语言的听力很好。
She's got a good ear for music.她很会欣赏音乐。
The band doesn't sound out of tune to me, but then I've no ear for music.对我来说,乐队没有走调,不过我没有欣赏音乐的才能。
Gary quite likes pop music, but has an ear for the classics as well.加里很喜欢流行音乐,不过他也有欣赏古典音乐的才能。
Rice was shooting out into ears.稻子已经抽穗了。
She has some ears of rice in her hand.她手里拿着几穗稻子。Pear-lobe耳垂Pearcapn.耳套Pearingn.耳索Pearwaxn.耳垢Pearwign.蠼螋Pdog-earn.折角Pearflapn.耳罩Pearholen.耳孔Pearloben.耳垂Pearpickn.耳挖Pearplugn.耳塞Pearwormn.螟蛉Psea-earn.鲍鱼Pear-bone听小骨Pear-drumn.鼓膜Pearmuffsn.耳套Pear-drops滴耳剂Pearachen.耳朵痛Peardust耳沙耳石Peardropsn.耳药水Pear-channel洗耳槽Pear-cushion助听垫Pear-faint耳性晕厥Pear-trumpet助听筒Peardropn.耳环耳坠Peardrumn.中耳鼓膜Pearmuffn.御寒耳罩Pearringn.耳环耳饰Plop-eareda.垂耳的Pear-sponge洗耳海绵Pearmarking指定用途Pearphonen.耳机听筒Pear-witness耳闻证人Plop-earn.垂耳兔垂耳Pear-mindeda.听觉型的Pear-piercinga.刺耳的Pear-bashvt.向…喋喋不休Pprick-eareda.竖起耳朵的Pquick-eareda.听觉灵敏的Psharp-eareda.听觉敏锐的Pear-mark特征标记特殊记号Pear-sign耳征米里安氏耳征Pearsplittinga.震耳欲聋的Pdog-eareda.折角的翻旧了的Peareda.有…耳的有把的有穗的dog'' Ps-eareda.页角弄折了的Pleft-eared善用左耳的左耳性的Pright-eared善用右耳的右耳性的Pflap-eareda.有大耳朵的有垂耳的Plong-eareda.长耳的驴似的愚钝的Pearlessa.无耳的听觉不佳的无穗的Pearshotn.听力所及之范围可听距离Pmouse-earn.柔毛山柳菊沼泽勿忘草Popen-eareda.倾听的易于接受建议的Pearfuln.惊人新闻的透露大量过多斥责Pearpiecen.耳机护耳片眼镜脚头戴式耳机Pcrop-earn.耳朵剪有记号的马有剪记的耳朵Pcrop-eareda.剪去耳朵尖的剪短头发露出耳朵的Pearmarkn.耳上记号特征记号标记vt.在耳朵上做记号标记指定…作特定用途



ear也可作“听力,听觉; 鉴赏力”解,尤指在音乐或语言方面灵敏的听力,或分辨声音的能力,总是用单数形式,一般不能单独使用,其前须加一修饰性词语。

ear还可作“倾听; 注意”解,总是用单数形式,但可以加不定冠词。


用作名词She plays the piano entirely byear.他演奏钢琴完全凭听觉记忆,不用乐谱。
If this news ever reaches herears, she'll be furious.这个消息万一传到她的耳朵里,她一定得大发雷霆。
He gave the boy'seara painful tweak.他用力拧了一下那男孩的耳朵。
The dog'searpricked up at the sound.狗听到声音后竖起了耳朵。
He tried to give a sympatheticearto the patient.他极力怀着同情心倾听患者的叙述。
They bent anearto our request for aid.他们仔细倾听我们求援的请求。用作名词Some people like eating theearof wheat.有些人喜欢吃麦穗。用作不及物动词The corn will soonear.玉米不久就要结穗了。
Soon the seedings shot up and began toear.秧苗很快长起来,并开始抽穗。noun.attention
同义词 mind,tasteappreciation,consideration,discrimination,hearing,heed,mark,note,notice,observance,observation,perception,regard,remark,sensitivity
反义词 disinclination,carelessness,disregard,disrespect,heedlessness,ignorance,inattention,indifference,neglect,negligence,thoughtlessness
abalonenoun shell
handlenoun something to grip
handlesnoun something to grip
hearingnoun ability to perceive sound
audition,auditory,auditory range,detecting,distinguishing,ear,earshot,effect,extent,faculty,hearing distance,listening,perception,range,reach,recording,sense
heednoun care, thought
TLC,application,attention,carefulness,caution,cognizance,concentration,concern,consideration,debate,deliberation,ear,heedfulness,interest,listen up,mark,mind,note,notice,observance,observation,regard,remark,respect,spotlight,study,tender loving care,watchfulness
listenernoun one who hears
auditor,ear A new study finds that there are two factors at work: the knowledge of where the sound is coming from and the unfortunate design of our ear canals.
一项新的研究发现,有两个因素在发挥作用:一个是听众对于声音来源的认识,另一个是我们耳道那种令人遗憾的形状。 yeeyan




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