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EACA 基本例句 化6-氨基己酸 The theory ofEACArequires the psychological construction of widening cognition, stretching will, elevating emotion, and creating personality.创生美学必将为创造的复归本明、教育的返本开新进而为自然生态的返魅、社会生态的和谐与心理生态的健美做出贡献。 To overcome the default of slow convergence speed,precocity and stagnation in the basic ant colony AlgorithmACA,we proposed an Efficient Ant Colony AlgorithmEACA.摘要 为了克服基本蚁群算法求解速度慢、易于出现早熟和停滞现象的缺陷,提出了一种高效的蚁群算法EACA。 IDM is implemented on the background system, responsible for collecting network data, extracting key attributes, clustering usingEACAand doing responses according to user’s commands.入侵检测模块在后台系统上实现,抓取网络数据包,提取特征属性,利用蚁群算法进行聚类分析,形成异常规则,并能够根据用户指令,对入侵行为采取相应动作。 Keywords endotoxin;febrile reaction after transfusion;blood pressure;6-Aminohexanoic Acid EACA;内毒素;输液发热反应;血压;6-氨基己酸; EACAkabi6-aminocaprolc acid |