

单词 e1
释义 e1BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
=estrone 雌甾酮,雌酮
Drivers of SIPG gateway takes charge of the initialization and console of E1 interface card, and provides the interface for the gateway software above.
SIPG网关驱动程序完成 E1接口板卡的初始化和配置,并为上层网关软件提供接口。 cnki

During anti- E1 Nino years the atmospheric distributions are the same as during E1 Nino years except for the anti- phase of the anomaly center values.
反厄尔尼诺年,大气具有分布不变,但距平中心基本上为反位相的响应形式。 cnki

The objective of this study was to optimize the manufacturing process for producing tubular particleboard with E1 grade performance.
选用施胶量、甲醛捕捉添加剂、挤压温度、挤出速度为试验因子,探讨 E1级空心刨花板的生产工艺。 dictall

The hemodynamic effects of prostaglandin E1 PGE1 on pulmonary and systemic circulations were studied in11 patients with rheumatic mitral disease complicated by pulmonary hypertension.
应用漂浮导管监测前列腺素 E1 PGE1对11例以二尖瓣狭窄为主的风湿性心脏病合并肺动脉高压患者的体循环和肺循环的血液动力学作用。 cnki

He suggested that E1 Auja be taken over by the United Nations.
他建议耶路奥雅由联合国接管。 dict.v.wenguo.com

In a network where different transmission standards are cofigurative, ZXG10 BSS system can provide perfect supports to E1 and T1 transmissions.
在不同制式传输并存的网络中, ZXG10 BSS系统对 E1和 T1传输都可提供完美支持。 www.1x1y.com.cn

In Project X, iteration E1 was six weeks long and produced eight significant use cases.
在 Project X中,迭代 E1有六个星期长,并且生成了八个重要的用例。 ibm

Normally E1 would not be included in the storage unit types allowed for storage type001.
通常 E1不允许包括在存储类型001下的存储单位类型下。 itpub

Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Prostaglandin E1 for treatment of chronic fulminant hepatitis.
目的评价脂微球载体前列腺素对慢性重型肝炎患者血清甲胎蛋白及其预后的影响。 studa

Objective To investigate the action of recombinant protein of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 TIMP-3on apoptosis of MC3T3- E1 osteoblasts.
目的研究组织金属蛋白酶抑制因子3 TIMP-3重组蛋白对 MC3T3- E1成骨细胞凋亡的影响。 cnki

Objective To observe the clinical effects of prostaglandin E1 PGE1 injection combined with bailing capsule on renal function and urinary albumin excretion in patients with diabetic nephropathyDN.
目的观察静脉输注前列腺素 E1 PGE1联合口服百令胶囊对糖尿病肾病患者肾功能及尿白蛋白的影响。 cnki

Objective To study the association of the core and E1 region variation of hepatitis C virus HCV with the chronicity of HCV infection.
目的探讨丙型肝炎病毒 HCV核心 C区和包膜1 E1区变异与其感染慢性化的关系。 cnki

Objective: To examine the effect extracts of GSB and DL on MC3T3- E1 cell and alveolar bone resorption model in SD rat respectively.
目的:检测 GSB、 DL提取液对成骨细胞株 MC3T3- E1细胞增殖、分化和钙化的影响及对大鼠实验性牙槽骨吸收模型的疗效。 cnki




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