

单词 dyspepsia
释义 dys·pep·sia 英dɪsˈpepʃə, -siːə美dɪsˈpɛpʃə, -siəAHDdĭs-pĕpʹshə, -sē-ə ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁵⁷¹⁶BNC³⁷⁰⁶⁰iWeb³⁵⁹⁶⁴

a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nauseadys-, 不好的。-peps, 消化,熟,词源同cook.muscular dyspepsia肌性消化不良…alkaline dyspepsia碱性消化不良…functional dyspepsia机能性消化不良…dyspepsia urinaria尿性消化不良…fermentative dyspepsia医 发酵性消化不…bilious dyspepsia医 胆汁性消化不…inflammatory dyspepsia医 炎性消化不良…acid dyspepsia胃酸过多性消化不良…infantile dyspepsia伤积, 小儿积证, …motor dyspepsia医 运动性消化不…gastric dyspepsia医 胃消化不良…cholelithic dyspepsia医 胆石性消化不…feculent dyspepsia粪积性消化不良…flatulent dyspepsia医 胃积气性消化…catarrhal dyspepsia卡他性消化不良…nervous dyspepsia医 神经性消化不…
GRE难词记忆dyspepsia→dys不好+peps消化+ia疾病→消化不好的疾病→消化不良dys不好+peps消化+ia疾病→消化不好的疾病⇒消化不良词根记忆dys+peps消化,胃+ia病=消化不好GRE难词记忆peps→pipespl. 管道→消化管道近义词 stomachache胃痛indigestion消化不良upset stomach肚子痛stomach upset肠胃不适acid stomach医胃酸过多…heartburn〈医〉胃心灼热…digestive disorder消化障碍,消化失调…

用作名词Many people think they have religion when they are merely troubled withdyspepsia.许多人,当他们只是在患消化不良之时,却以为自己有了宗教信仰。as in.indigestion
同义词 heartburn,nauseaacidosis,flatulence,flu,gas,painacid indigestion,digestive upset,dyspepsy,gaseous stomachas in.pessimism
同义词 cynicism,despair,distrust,gloom,grief,hopelessness,melancholy,sadness,unhappinessdejection,depression,despondency,gloominess,glumnessdark side,dim view,expectation of worst,gloomy outlook,low spirits
indigestionnoun upset stomach
acid indigestion,acidosis,digestive upset,dyspepsy,flatulence,flu,gas,gaseous stomach,heartburn,nausea,pain
pessimismnoun belief in bad outcome
cynicism,dark side,dejection,depression,despair,despondency,dim view,distrust,dyspepsia,expectation of worst,gloom,gloominess,gloomy outlook,glumness,grief,hopelessness,low spirits,melancholy,sadness,unhappiness About15 to 20 percent of people experience what physicians call functional dyspepsia, or persistent or recurring pain in the upper abdomen.
大约10-20%的人都有过内科医生所说的功能性消化不良,上腹部持续或者间断的疼痛。 yeeyan

Aim To investigate the incidence of helicobacter pylori HP in patients with functional dyspepsia FD and relationship between HP infection and FD.
目的检测功能性消化不良 FD病人幽门螺杆菌 HP感染情况,探讨 HP感染与 FD的关系。 cnki

Asking by has the help very much regarding the affable dyspepsia.

Conclusion Mosapride citrate is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of gastric motility disorders form of functional dyspepsia.
结论枸橼酸莫沙比利是治疗动力障碍型功能性消化不良一种安全、有效的药物。 cnki

Conclusion: Modified Ease Powder is a better drug in treating dynamic disturbance dyspepsia.
结论:加味逍遥汤是治疗动力障碍样消化不良的较好药物。 chemyq

Conclusions Taishi gastrointestinal pacemaker is effective in the improvement of the symptoms of the patients with functional dyspepsia.
结论泰士胃肠起搏器具有改善功能性消化不良患者临床症状的作用。 cnki

Finally, it is possible that your symptoms may be caused by functional dyspepsia.
另外,你的症状也有可能是由功能性消化不良引起的。 yeeyan

Functional dyspepsia is a common disease in GI outpatient with a high morbidity, it affects people's health severely, and this review article focuses on its diagnosis and therapy.
功能性消化不良是消化内科门诊常见疾病,发病率较高,严重影响人类的健康,本文就其诊断及治疗方面进行综述。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

If the suitable activity has the dyspepsia the performance.
适当活动如果有消化不良的表现。 ilasan

Objective To evaluate the relationship between dynamic index of proximal stomach and symptoms of functional dyspepsia FD.
目的探讨近端胃动力指标与功能性消化不良 FD患者消化不良症状发生间的关系。 cnki

Objective To explore the relationship between social psychological factors and non- ulcer dyspepsiaNUD.
目的探讨心理应激因素与非溃疡性消化不良的关系。 www2.chkd.cnki.net

Objective To investigate the influence of mental factors on non- ulcer dyspepsiaNUD and explore the therapeutic measure.
目的研究精神、心理因素对非溃疡性消化不良患者的影响,探讨治疗措施。 cnki

Objective To investigate the relationship between the senile functional dyspepsia FD and emotional disorder, and the importance of the antidepressant therapy.
目的探讨老年功能性消化不良 FD患者与情感障碍的关系以及抗抑郁治疗的重要性。 cnki

Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of complex azintamide enteric tablet in the treatment of children with functional dyspepsia during holiday.
目的:评价复方阿嗪米特肠溶片治疗儿童假日功能性消化不良的临床疗效和安全性。 dictall

Objective: To explore the economic effects with different drug therapy regimens in treatment of functional dyspepsia.
目的:探讨不同药物治疗方案对功能性消化不良的经济效果。 chemyq

Objective: To explore the ideal therapeutic method for the functional dyspepsia FD.
目的:探讨治疗功能性消化不良 FD的理想方法。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the mechanism of“ Weikang Ning Capsule”in regulating gastrointestinal hypersensitivity of regulation of functional dyspepsia FD.
目的:探索胃康宁胶囊调节功能性消化不良 FD胃肠感觉过敏的作用机制。 dictall

Objective:To investigate the therapeutical effects of Cangzhi granule CZ on patients with functional dyspepsia and its pharmacodynamics.
目的:观察苍脂颗粒 CZ对功能性消化不良的治疗效果并进行药效学研究。 dictall

Objective:To observe the clinical effect of modified WD in treating gastric emptying delay of functional dyspepsia.
目的:观察自拟中药汤剂胃肠健汤对功能性消化不良胃排空延迟的临床效果。 cnki

Purpose To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture therapy on functional dyspepsia FD.
目的:观察针刺疗法对功能性消化不良 FD患者的疗效。 iciba

To test their hypothesis, the researchers used a laboratory model of functional dyspepsia they had developed years earlier.
研究者利用他们多年前开发的一个功能性消化不良的实验模型来验证这个假设。 yeeyan




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