

单词 dysmenorrhea
释义 dys·men·or·rhoe·a 英dɪsˌmenəˈriːə美dɪsˌmɛnəˈriəAHDdĭs-mĕn'ə-rēʹə COCA¹⁹⁹⁹⁵⁸iWeb⁴¹⁷⁸⁰
painful menstruationdysmenorrhea due to blood stasis血瘀痛经functional dysmenorrhea机能性痛经,功能性痛…dysmenorrhea pseudomembranosa假膜性痛经acquired dysmenorrhea继发性痛经congestive dysmenorrhea充血性痛经congenital dysmenorrhea医 先天性痛经…essential dysmenorrhea医 自发性痛经…
用作名词This apparatus has an observably curative effect fordysmenorrhea.该治疗仪对痛经治疗有显著疗效。
Dysmenorrhea can be divided into primary and secondary types.一般可分为原发性和继发性痛经。 The effect of fish oil is probably mediated through the production of prostaglandins, which are known to play a role in dysmenorrhea.
鱼油的效果很可能是调节前列腺素的产生带来的,后者现在已知对痛经的发生有作用。 yeeyan

The menstrual disturbances mainly manifested dysmenorrhea, excessive bleeding and delayed menstrual cycles.
月经异常主要表现为痛经、血量增多和月经周期延长。 cnki

There have been significant studies with Pycnogenol? revealing treatment efficacy of common problems associated with menstruation, such as dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain and endometriosis.
多项极具意义的实验证实了碧萝芷?可以治疗经期出现的常见的疾病,如月经困难、痛经和子宫内膜炎。 iciba

Acquaint with the etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Dysmenorrhea.
熟悉痛经的病因病机、辨证分型。 anni.gzhtcm.edu.cn

Conclusion: Presacral neurectomy can be performed safety and efficiently by laparoscopy and is a valuable alternative treatment for endometriosis dysmenorrhea.
结论:腹腔镜骶前神经切除术安全有效,是治疗子宫内膜异位症痛经的一种较好的选择。 cnki

Endometriosis is symptomatic during reproductive years when patients may present with dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, and infertility.
子宫内膜移位症发生于生育期,病人多表现为痛经、经不调和不孕。 jukuu

For arthritis, soft tissue injury and inflammation; fever; also to migraine, dysmenorrhea, postoperative pain.
对于关节炎,软组织损伤和炎症,发热,还偏头痛,痛经,术后疼痛。 supply.sol.com.cn

In recent years clinical studies indicated that indomethacin had therapeutical effect on dysmenorrhea, the pains of operation, acesodyne of tumor.
近年来的研究和临床实践发现吲哚美辛还可用于痛经症状的缓解、手术后疼痛和肿瘤止痛的阶梯治疗。 iciba

Massage the points related to Dysmenorrhea with the current can improve the course of Qi and blood, so as to reduce the ventral pain.
通过电流来有关痛经的穴位进行按摩,促进气血运行,减少腹部的疼痛。 www.siyanli.net.cn

Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Dysmenorrhea.
掌握痛经的定义、辨证治疗。 anni.gzhtcm.edu.cn

Menstrual cramps dysmenorrhea are dull, throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
月经痉挛痛经其实就是小腹处隐隐作痛并伴有痉挛的感觉。 yeeyan

Objective: To study the influence of Jingbutong on dysmenorrhea.
目的:观察经不痛对痛经的影响。 chemyq

Prescriptions and herbs commonly applied and the research development of Dysmenorrhea.
痛经常用的方药及研究进展。 anni.gzhtcm.edu.cn

Syndrome differentiation of Dysmenorrhea and selection of alumina therapies.
痛经的辨证及刺灸方法的选用。 anni.gzhtcm.edu.cn

TCM holds that the occurrence and passive congestion, dysmenorrhea have a close relationship.
中医认为,痛经的发生与淤血有着密切的关系。 xtol

The results of the present study indicate that supplementation with both of these nutrients together relieved the symptoms of dysmenorrhea.
本实验结果表明同时补充这些营养素可以减轻痛经症状。 yeeyan

To further evaluate the efficacy of GF in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.
为了进一步评估绿在原发性痛经的治疗效果。 enoya




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