

单词 dysfunction
释义 dis·func·tion 英dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən美dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənAHDdĭs-fŭngkʹshən ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹³⁰⁰¹BNC²²⁷⁰⁴iWeb⁸²⁸¹Economist¹²⁹⁸³
medicine any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group;

erectile dysfunction

sexual relationship dysfunction

dys-, 不好的。function, 功能。ejaculatory dysfunction射精机能障碍…ovarian dysfunction卵巢机能障碍,卵巢功…renal dysfunction肾功能不全urinary dysfunction排尿功能障碍…papillary muscle dysfunction乳头肌功能异常…endocrine dysfunction内分泌功能障碍…hepatic dysfunction肝功能缺陷,肝功能失…minimal brain dysfunction轻度脑障碍uterine dysfunction子宫功能异常,子宫机…dysfunction of channels经隧失职visceral dysfunction内脏机能障碍,脏气衰…hypertonic uterine dysfunction高张性宫缩乏力…placental dysfunction syndrome胎盘功能不全综合征…gastrointestinal dysfunction胃肠功能失调…attention dysfunction注意障碍
dys-坏funct-活动-ion名词⇒n.功能不良³⁷;机能障碍⁶³近义词 disfunction机能不良

用作名词Thyroiddysfunctioncan manifest in growing children too in the form of mental and physical retardation.甲状腺机能障碍在成长儿童中也表现为身体和大脑发育迟缓。
Shock is a state of organ hypoperfusion with resultant cellulardysfunctionand death.休克是因器官灌注不足,导致细胞机能障碍和死亡的一种状态。 After all, the single most common sexual dysfunction among men is that they come too quickly, with anywhere from 10-30% of men reporting premature or rapid ejaculation in various studies.
毕竟,男性中最常见的性功能紊乱就是他们做得太快,在很多的研究中都显示大约有10%—30%过早或者过快地射精。 yeeyan

Boehringer tried to zero in on the chemical aspect of sexual dysfunction by only testing its drug on premenopausal women who were in stable relationships and not taking other medications.
勃林格曾尝试专注于性功能失调化学方面的研究,实验对象仅限尚未绝经、有稳定性生活且没有同时服用其它药物的女性。 yeeyan

But, if you are like most of us, your family of origin may have had some degree of…lets say… dysfunction, and, as I’ve mentioned, we are drawn to the familiar.
但如果你的家庭,正如大多数的家庭,可能会有不同程度的问题,比如说功能紊乱。而结果,正如我上文所提到的,还是寻找相似者。 yeeyan

Clinical features common to the three patients initially include fever, headache, diarrhoea and myalgia developing into rash and hepatic dysfunction, followed by rapid deterioration and death.
这三位病人的共同临床症状是,最初发烧、头痛、腹泻和肌痛,接着出现皮疹和肝功能障碍,然后病情迅速恶化和死亡。 who

In the case of age- related erectile dysfunction, cardiovascular conditions or diabetes, the primary weak link tends to be the nerves, blood vessels, and penis.
在与年龄相关的勃起功能障碍、心血管疾病或糖尿病的病例中,主要的薄弱环节往往是神经、血管和阴茎。 yeeyan

In1999, it was claimed that43% of women suffered from sexual dysfunction. Two of that survey's authors disclosed financial ties to the drugs industry.
在1999年,有调查说43%的女性遭受着性功能障碍,但该调查报告的两个作者被揭发与医药行业有商业关系。 yeeyan

Moynihan, author of the book“ Sex, Lies and Pharmaceuticals,” is not an unbiased party himself, having campaigned for several years now against the formulation of female sexual dysfunction.
《性,谎言和药品》这本书的作者莫伊尼汉,他自己并不是中立的一方,他从事这个好多年,现在反对女性性障碍的阐述。 yeeyan

So yohimbe and the like are being studied to see if there are medicinal properties that can be isolated and turned into a reliable treatment for sexual dysfunction.
所以,育亨宾和此类草药正在被研究以确定他们是否具备春药特性,从而分离出来转变成一种可靠的性功能障碍治疗药物。 yeeyan




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