

单词 Akmal
释义 AkmalBNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
The cuckolded man, Altaf Hussain,35, is already married with three children but has divorced his wife after discovering her affair with Akmal.
现年35岁的侯赛因与妻子育有3个小孩,当发现妻子不忠之后,他与妻子离了婚。 cri

Ambassador Fu Ying was summoned to the British Foreign Office Tuesday, after Chinese authorities executed Akmal Shaikh.
星期二,在中国当局处死阿克马尔.沙伊克后,驻英大使傅莹被召见到英国外交办公室。 voa365

I do remember Mr Akmal Shaikh although it is several years since I last saw him.
自从我最后一次见到阿克毛已经有一些年头了,但是,我仍然记得他。 yootiao

I immediately made contact with The British Foreign Office. I wish to assist Mr Akmal Shaikh in his medical and mental condition, if necessary in China.
我迅速联系了英国外交部,希望能够在身体和精神方面有所帮助,如果中国觉得有必要。 yootiao

I immediately made contact with The British Foreign Office. I wish to assist Mr Akmal Shaikh in his medical and mental condition if necessary in China.
我迅速联系了英国外交部,希望能够在身体和精神方面有所协助,如果中国觉得有必要。 www.chemcom.net.cn

I met Akmal in Warsaw about two- and-a- half years ago on a protest organised by Polish nurses.
两年半前,我和阿克毛在一个抗议活动中相识。 yootiao

I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest.
我看了你的利息阿克马尔谢赫文章。 suizhoushi

I read your article on Akmal Shaikh with interest. It says the Chinese will face serious consequences if the execution goes ahead.
我怀着兴趣读完了你关于阿克毛的文章。你说,中国人假如处死他的话会因此而面临严重的后果。 donghubi

It was clear that Akmal had absolutely no musical talent, no sense of timing and the song itself was dreadful.
明显的事实是,阿克毛并没有音乐天赋,对节拍也没有感觉,歌曲本身也很糟糕。 yootiao

Lawyers warn that Akmal Shaikh,53, who has delusional psychosis, could be shot dead in jail after reports that his second appeal has failed.
律师提醒说,在二次上诉失败后,53岁的阿克马尔·谢赫将会在狱中被枪决,而他患有妄想性精神病。 tqedu

Mr Akmal Shaikh was my registered patient with his family when he lived in London.
当他在伦敦居住的时候,阿克毛和其家人是我负责的病人。 yootiao

Second, the Akmal case is a judicial issue.
第二,关于阿克毛案件,这是一个司法问题。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The likes of real international statesmen that know the international scene, could maybe have saved the life of Akmal Shaikh.
在喜欢的真正的国际政治家的了解国际舞台,也许可以挽救的阿克马尔谢赫生活。 tianya

The Akmal case is an individual criminal case.
阿克毛案是一起孤立的刑事案件。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Akmal Shaikh was convicted of carrying up to4 kilograms8.8 pounds of heroin at the Urumqi Airport in September2007.
阿克马尔谢赫被控携带多达4公斤8.8磅在乌鲁木齐机场的海洛因2007年9月。 www.xcar.com.cn

Akmal Shaikh's relatives have written to the Foreign Secretary David Miliband urging him to order an inquest.
阿克毛的亲属已给英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德写信催促他对此事展开调查。 blog.sina.com.cn




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