

单词 Akio
释义 Akio ˈɑːkioʊ COCA⁷⁷⁴⁶²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
The language was subdued. But the comment, along with additional criticisms from other executives in other meetings, ultimately tipped the scale in Akio Toyoda's favor, the people say.
知情人士称,丰田章一郎的用语虽然克制,但他的这番话,以及公司别的高管在其他会议上的批评最终使丰田章男人气上升。 ebigear

The original Walkman was created for the co-founder of Sony, Akio Morita, who wanted to be able to listen to operas during his frequent plane trips between Japan and the United States.
起初,沃克曼是专门为索尼公司的合伙创始人盛田昭夫发明的,他经常往来于日本和美国之间,想在飞机上欣赏歌剧。 yeeyan

Toyota’s chief executive, Akio Toyoda, is set to testify before the oversight panel on Wednesday.
丰田首席执行官,丰田章男,将于星期三在监督及政府改革委员会的听证会上出席作证。 yeeyan

Toyota Motor Corp. President Akio Toyoda bowed deeply and apologized to shareholders Thursday for the troubles caused by massive global recalls of the company's vehicles.
本周四,因丰田公司全球大范围召回丰田汽车,给股东带来了不小的麻烦,丰田汽车公司总裁丰田章男对此深深鞠躬并道歉。 bbs.cqupt.edu.cn

Brilliant entrepreneurs like Soichiro Honda and Akio Morita at Sony set about building the future.
聪明的企业家像本田宗一郎和索尼的盛田昭夫开始建筑未来。 ecocn

Caption:28: Toyota Motor Corp President Akio Toyoda.
描述:第28位:丰田汽车总裁丰田章男。 cnnas

Is Akio ducking criticism of being a beneficiary of nepotism by accusing us and trying to justify his ascendancy to the top job?
丰田章男是否通过谴责我们而回避了那些对他是裙带关系受益人的批评,以确保其在公司领导层的统治地位? yeeyan

It was Akio Toyoda's first remarks since the latest round of recalls began last week.
这是自上周新一轮“召回事件”后丰田章男首次表态。 yeeyan

Only on February5th did Akio Toyoda, 53, the scion of the founding family, appear in public to bow in apology— and even then critics complained that he did not bow deeply enough.
仅仅在2月5日,丰田的创始家族的后裔丰田昭夫才出现在公众面前鞠躬道歉---即使如此,批评者抱怨说他的躬鞠得不够深。 ecocn

The claims could create even a bigger challenge for Toyota's president Akio Toyoda who testifies before US lawmakers this week in an effort to contain the safety crisis.
这份文件让丰田的总裁丰田章男更大的挑战,而丰田章男将在本周出席听证会,以便顺利度过该次的安全危机。 hjenglish

The Toyota president Akio Toyoda said at an emotional news conference that the company wanted to focus on its core business.
在这场充满悲情的新闻发布会上,丰田公司总裁丰田章男 Akio Toyoda表示,将会把主要精力放在公司核心业务上。 yeeyan

WHEN Akio Morita, Sony’s co- founder, gave the firm its name in the 1950s, he was afraid it could be mispronounced in Japanese as “son-en”, which means“to lose yen”.
二十世纪五十年代,当索尼公司的缔造者盛田昭夫给这个公司取名的时候,他担心这个名字会被错误地发成“损円”,在日语中的意思是“失去日圆”。 ecocn

Akio Morita had no money, no experience, no external support when he started his business.
盛田昭夫创业时没有钱,没有经验,没有外部支持。 yeeyan

Akio Toyoda himself, as one of five executive vice- presidents, isn't entirely free of blame for the company's recent woes.
作为原来的五位执行副总裁之一,丰田章男对公司目前的问题也不是完全没有责任。 ebigear

AKIO TOYODA, Toyota's president, on questions over whether the automaker routinely fixed potentially dangerous defects in new models without recalling those already on the road.
AKIO TOYODA回答关于丰田是否习惯于修复新车型潜在的致命缺陷,却不召回已经售出的也可能不安全的车辆。 transtounion




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