

单词 dyeing
释义 dye·ing 英'daɪɪŋ美'daɪɪŋ 高COCA⁵⁹⁴¹⁷BNC⁴⁴³⁹⁹iWeb²⁵⁶⁴⁰
the use of dye to change the color of something permanentlytie-dye扎染dye染料uneven dyeing染色不匀tow dyeing丝束染色brush dyeing刷染法dyeing accelerant染色催化剂dyeing assistant染色助剂,染色辅助剂…top dyeing毛条染色jet dyeing喷力染色dyeing fastness染色坚牢度differential dyeing差异染色dyeing drum染色鼓dyeing machine印染机drum dyeing转鼓染色bobbin dyeing筒子纱染色machine dyeing机器染色carrier dyeing载体染色dope dyeing原液染色,纺液染色…textile dyeing纺织品染色ground dyeing底施颜料
dye-ing动名词⇒n.染色adj.染色的动词dye的现在分词形式.近义词 painting画,油画

用作名词Veneerdyeingtechnology of the hardwood species.几种阔叶树木材单板的染色工艺研究。
Yang points proudly to a newdyeingworkshop.杨骄傲地指着一座新的染色车间。用作形容词A solution called a modernt mordant is used in the dyingdyeingprocess.染色的过程中要用到一种被称为媒染剂的溶液。
The principle of cheesedyeingis introduced, and the affecting factors are analyzed.摘要介绍了筒子纱染色原理,分析了影响其染色的因素。 A purple may be made by dyeing a blue over a red.

As Henry lay dying, leaving a vast treasuremuch of it, interestingly, from trading alum, essential for dyeing cloth, he said he was sorry for what his officers had done.
亨利死后留下巨额财富有趣的是,绝大部分财富源于买卖明矾所得。明矾可用于染布。 yeeyan

The plants used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat illnesses are now being added to cloth during the dyeing process before it is made into clothes and sheets.
在传统的阿育吠陀医药中治病用的那些植物现在通过染色工艺被加到了布料中,然后这些布料再被加工成服装和床上用品。 ebigear

When Mai finished learning the skill, Tung helped him open up a dyeing factory in the village.
麦学成归来,东又帮他在村里开了个印染厂。 yeeyan

Youngor has reportedly agreed to work with the environmental group to eliminate toxic chemicals, while Well Dyeing has denied it has a problem.
据称雅戈尔同意跟该组织合作,消减有毒化学物质,而“国泰染整”则否认自己存在问题。 yeeyan

“ For skin problems, we select a plant like indigo, and mix turmeric with the plant,” dyeing technician Rajan Kay told the BBC.
染色工艺师瑞占?凯对英国广播公司的记者说:“针对皮肤问题,我们选择了槐蓝属之类的植物,并将姜黄根粉与之混合。” kekenet

A solution called a mordant is used in the dyeing process.
有一种被称为媒染剂的方法被运用在染色流程中。 hjenglish

And then there is the dyeing and styling of hair, which adds more complex layers of vanity?
现在,人们的头发可以染成各种颜色,也可以设计成各种发型,这样是不是让空虚的外皮变得更复杂呢? yeeyan

Around this time, he introduced some new techniques for dyeing cloth.
在此前后,他引进一些用于染布的新技术。 yeeyan

But the idea that Barack Obama may be dyeing his greys has taken the American media by storm.
而最近有关巴拉克•奥巴马可能染发的消息却在美国媒体中掀起了一阵风潮。 edu.sina.com.cn

But dyeing your pets to look like other wild animals is a more recent development.
但是把宠物染色成其他野生动物的样子则是最近兴起的一种潮流。 yeeyan

Color is fixed in dyeing.

Finding different ways of styling your hair, like dyeing or combing, also can help.
选择不同的发型,比如染发或梳毛也能有所帮助。 yeeyan

For those of us who swim closer to the shallow end, try a couple streaks or even try just dyeing your ends.
而对那些喜欢在浅水区游泳更谨慎低调的人来说,试试双色条纹或者干脆给发尾染个色。 kekenet

Increasingly dense colony, West sunset fall, unwittingly, the days of wrinkles in your face now, years dyeing my hair white.
落日渐浓,夕阳西坠,不知不觉中,日子在你脸上刻下皱纹,岁月染白了我的长发。 kekenet

Not long after Tung returned home, he sent money to Mai and dispatched him to Nam Dinh to learn the art of dyeing clothes.
东回家不久,就寄钱给麦,并送他去南定 Nam Dinh学习印染服装艺术。 yeeyan

Some even transform pet dogs into“ tigers” by dyeing their hair to cash in.
甚至有人将小狗染色成“小老虎”出售。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Still, barbers of influential politicians and businessmen insist that most dye their hair at home, for fear of being seen dyeing in public.
不过,常为政界和商界人士服务的理发师说,这些人不愿染发时被公众看到,因此大多数是在家中进行。 ebigear

Tannin from mangrove species has also been used for curing and dyeing of fishing nets made of natural fibre to make the nets more resistant to biological decay.
用红树林树种制造的单宁还用来天然纤维织成的渔网的加工和染色,以提高其抗生物老化能力。 fao

The notice from the ministry of industry and information technology covers18 industries including steel, paper, cement and dyeing, according to Shanghai Securities News and other media.
根据上海业内新闻和其他媒体的透露:中国工业和信息化部的这一通知涵盖了包括钢铁、纸业、水泥制造业和印染业等在内的18种类型的工业。 yeeyan

What could be the source of this? He and others had long suspected that the Chinese were chemically dyeing tea for the benefit of the foreign market.
至于那到底是什么东西,福琛这些人疑心中国人为了开拓外国市场对茶叶进行了化学染色。 yeeyan

Youngor is China's biggest integrated textile firm and boasts some of the country's most advanced technology for dyeing, weaving and printing.
雅戈尔是中国最大的综合性纺织品企业,目前拥有国内最先进的染色,编织和印刷技术。 yeeyan

Zara postpones dyeing and printing designs until close to manufacture, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the need to clear unsold inventories.
直到快要生产了 Zara才染色印花,因此而减少了浪费,也实现了低库存。 yeeyan




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