

单词 dwarf
释义 dwarf 英dwɔːf美dwɔrfAHDdwôrf ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝6八COCA⁹⁵¹⁷BNC¹⁰²¹¹iWeb⁷⁴⁰⁰Economist¹⁶²⁹⁵


person, animal or plant that is much smaller than the normal


creature like a very small man with magic powers

vt. 显得矮小; 使相形见绌

make sb/sth seem small by contrast or distance

a person who is markedly smalla legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasurea plant or animal that is atypically small
make appear small by comparison;

This year's debt dwarfs that of last year

check the growth of;

the lack of sunlight dwarfed these pines

dwarf, midget

这两个词均指较常人为矮小的人。dwarf指由于内分泌不足而发育不完全者; midget指一个身材矮小,但各方面均正常者。

用作动词 v.
~+名词dwarf a little dinghy使小船显得小dwarf other dramatists使其他剧作家相形见绌
非常记忆d弟〖编码〗+war战争〖熟词〗+f佛〖编码〗⇒弟弟一发动战争佛就把他变成矮子联想记忆d + war战争+ f ⇒战争使所有东西变矮了→使变矮小联想记忆d + war战争+ f ⇒战争使所有东西变矮了⇒使变矮小近义词 reducen.midgetv. minimize反义词n. giant
用作名词n.He is a dwarf.他是一个矮子。
There is a dwarf in the story.在这个故事里,有一个有魔法的小矮人。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He dwarfs other dramatists.他使其他剧作家相形见绌。
His children were dwarfed by insufficient food.他的儿女因营养不良而发育不全。Pdwarfismn.矮小Pdwarfishness矮子侏儒症Pdwarfisha.象侏儒的矮小的

用作名词You are a giant of words anddwarfof action.你是言词的巨人,行动的矮子。
There is adwarfapple tree in our garden.在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
The kinddwarfasked the little princess to have dinner with him.善良的小矮人邀请小公主和他一起吃晚饭。
Adwarfon a giant's shoulders sees further of the two.侏儒站在巨人肩上要比两个人看得远。用作及物动词Each innovation destined todwarfthe extensive accomplishment of the Greeks-Euclidean geometry.每一个创新都注定希腊人的巨大成就--欧几里德几何相形见绌。
As China's income per head catches up, its economy will soondwarfthose of its Asian neighbors.随着中国的人均收入急起直追,它的经济不久将使其亚洲邻国相形见绌。用作不及物动词They act out their dramas in a setting whose wilderness immensity bothdwarfand ennobles whatever they achieve他们在荒原上奠定了他们的事业,而广阔无际的天地既使他们的成就显得渺小,也显得崇高。adj.miniature, tiny
同义词 mini,miniaturebaby,diminutive,dwarfish,petite,pint-sized,pocket,pocket-sized,small,stunted,tinybantam,undersized
反义词 big,huge,large,tallgiantnoun.(in folklorea small being having magic powers)
同义词 gnome,goblin,gremlin,hobgoblin,trollbrownie,elf,imp,leprechaun,pixie,puck,spritedwarfling,homunculus,Lilliputian,Tom Thumb
反义词 giantverb.minimize
同义词 diminish,dominate,hinder,overshadowbelittle,check,dim,lower,minify,predominate,retard,stunt,suppressdetract from,look down upon,make small,micrify,rise above,tower above,tower over
反义词 praisemaximize,oversize
Lilliputianadjective tiny
bitsy,bitty,diminutive,infinitesimal,insignificant,itsy-bitsy,itty-bitty,little,microscopic,midget,mini,miniature,minikin,minimum,minuscular,minuscule,minute,negligible,pee-wee,petite,pint-sized,pocket,pocket-size,puny,pygmy,slight,teensy,teensy-weensy,teeny,trifling,wee,yea big
babyadjective miniature
minimizeverb make smaller;underrate
abbreviate,attenuate,belittle,cheapen,curtail,cut down to size,decrease,decry,deprecate,depreciate,derogate,detract,diminish,discount,disparage,downplay,dwarf,knock,knock down,lessen,make light of,make little of,miniaturize,pan,play down,pooh-pooh,poor-mouth,prune,put down,reduce,run down,shrink,trivialize,underestimate,underplay
minimizedverb make smaller;underrate
abbreviated,attenuated,belittled,cheapened,curtailed,cut down to size,cut rate,decreased,decried,deprecated,depreciated,derogated,detracted,diminished,discounted,disparaged,downplayed,dwarfed,knocked,knocked down,lessened,made light of,made little of,miniaturized,panned,played down,pooh-poohed,poor-mouthed,pruned,put down,ran down,reduced,shrank,underestimated,underplayed
minisculeadjective tiny, very small
miniscule/minusculeadjective tiny, very small
Lilliputian,diminutive,dwarf,infinitesimal,itsy-bitsy,little,meager,microscopic,mini,miniature,minute,pint-sized,puny,short,slight,small-scale,stunted,teensy,teeny,trivial,undersized,wee And that pressure, acting on the carbon-rich makeup of the white dwarf, may have crystallized much of it to the particular form of carbon we call diamond.
这种压力不断作用于富含碳元素的白矮星成分,使其自身结晶成碳的同素异形体,也就是我们所说的钻石。 yeeyan

And the seventh dwarf slept with his companions, one hour with each, and so got through the night.
晚上,第七个小矮人轮着和其他的几个小矮人每人睡一个小时,度过了这个夜晚。 hjenglish

GETTING a seat at the annual Bayreuth Festival of Richard Wagner’s operas is about as easy as shaking off a dwarf’s curse: the average waiting time is nine years.
想在一年一度的拜罗伊特瓦格纳音乐节中得到门票可不是件容易事,等待的时间和消除矮人身上的诅咒所需日子一样长:九年。 ecocn

The telescope can be used to search for dwarf planets like Pluto that orbit the Sun off the solar system’s ecliptic plane.
望远镜能搜寻类似于冥神星那样以偏离太阳系的椭圆轨道平面绕太阳运行的矮星。 yeeyan

“ This is basically a new method to render dark galaxies visible,” she said, adding that her technique should be able to detect dim dwarf galaxies as small as a thousandth the mass of the Milky Way.
“这在根本上是一个使暗星系可见的全新方法,”她说道,通过她的方法将使得小到只有银河系千分之一质量的暗矮星系能被观测到。 yeeyan

A beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of the circus performers who is also a dwarf, but his friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.
一位漂亮的吊杠艺术家同意与马戏团的领导也是一位侏儒演员结婚,但是他的朋友发现,她之所以想与之结婚的原因是为了他的财产。 yeeyan

Also located in this area, but far beyond the range of amateur telescopes, is the dwarf planet Eris.
同时,也在这片区域,但却不能用业余望远镜观测到的是矮行星阋神星。 yeeyan

An astronomer makes the case that the best place to search for habitable planets may be very close to white dwarf stars.
一位天文学家提出了一种新想法,在靠近白矮星的地方找最寻适合生命居住的行星。 yeeyan

Because a planet that close to its star would dim the dwarf’s light as it passes.
因为,当一颗靠近白矮星的行星路过它的时候,会使它发出的光线变的模糊不清。 yeeyan

Earlier this year, I wrote about new evidence further supporting the dwarf dinosaur claims.
今年初,我发表了更进一步支持矮恐龙学说的新证据。 yeezhe

Elliptical galaxies may also be small, in which case they are dubbed dwarf elliptical galaxies.
椭圆星系也可能很小,在这种情况下它们被称为矮椭圆星系。 yeeyan

Even tiny Pluto, which was demoted to dwarf status, has four moons.
即便是已被降级为矮行星的冥王星也有四个卫星。 yeeyan

For astronomers who study the large-scale structure of the universe, dwarf galaxies have proven quite vexing.
对于研究宇宙大尺度结构的天文学家而言,矮星系的研究毋庸置疑最为棘手。 yeeyan

He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray.
可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。 ebigear

However, since its parent star is a red dwarf—a far smaller and fainter object than the sun—that orbit is, in fact, much smaller that the Earth’s around the sun.
但是因为其母体恒星就像是一个红色的小矮人——比起地球来实在是又小又模糊,因此它的运行轨道与地球相比也就小了很多。 ecocn

In 1930, astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the dwarf planet Pluto while looking at photographs of the night sky.
1930年,天文学家克莱德•汤博在查看夜晚的星空图时发现了矮行星——冥王星。 yeeyan

In addition to the planets and moons seen in this simulated photo, our solar system contains a star, asteroids and comets, and dwarf planets such as Pluto.
除了在此模拟的照片里所看到了行星和卫星外,我们的太阳系统还包含一个恒星、一些小行星和彗星,和像冥王星那样的侏儒行星。 yeeyan

In the former case, material is stripped from the binary partner until the material reaches“ critical mass” around the white dwarf.
在前面一种情况,物质将被从一颗双星剥离掉直到在白矮星的物质到达了“严格的标准质量”。 yeeyan

Now scientists writing in the journal Nature show that the current model can actually generate dwarf galaxies just fine. You just need to look at the stars.
而现在,天文学家们在《自然》杂志上撰文指出,其实现有的模型已经能够很好地解释矮星系的形成, 我们要做的只是仰望星空。 yeeyan

Once classified as a true planet, icy Pluto is now considered one of the more than 40 dwarf planets in our solar system.
它曾一度被划归为行星,冰冷的冥王星目前被认为是我们太阳系的40多个矮行星之一。 yeeyan

Pluto, now classed as a dwarf planet, is so small and so distant that its surface has been a mystery to astronomers.
现在归类于矮行星的冥王星是那么小,那么远,对天文学家来说,其表面一直是个谜。 yeeyan

Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago.
矮星系之间的如此遭遇通常发生在几十亿光年之外,也就是几十亿年之前。 blog.sina.com.cn

The only other known example of such an oddly angled orbit was Pluto, until its demotion to dwarf planet status.
唯一的另一个已知的以如此奇怪的角度运行的例子是冥王星,直到它降级为矮行星。 yeeyan

The Jupiter- like planet, they say, is part of a solar system which once belonged to a dwarf galaxy.
他们说这颗类似木星的行星是某个恒星系统的一部分,这个恒星系统曾属于某个矮星系。 yeeyan

This dwarf galaxy was in turn devoured by our own galaxy, the Milky Way, according to a team writing in the academic journal Science.
一个科学小组在学术性期刊《科学》上撰文称这个矮星系后来被我们所在的星系,即银河系吞噬了。 yeeyan

To set the mood, we begin with a naked dwarf.
让我们开门见山,从这个全裸的矮子开始。 yeeyan

Transits of dwarf stars provide bigger signals, because the planet blots out proportionally more of the star's disk.
因为这种行星遮盖了更多的天文坐标,因此凌日的矮星会发出比较强烈的信号。 yeeyan




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