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DUTCH CHEESE短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺⁹ 基本例句 荷兰干酪 I rediscovered Dutch cheese, chocolate hail and what good bread tastes like.我重新发现了荷兰乳酪和巧克力冰淇淋的妙处,尝到了真正上好面包的味道。 It is stronger in flavour than other traditional Dutch cheeses.这比传统荷兰干酪味道要浓。 WINKEL, Netherlands - Using forklifts, Dutch cheesemakers turned over a thick slab of Dutch cheese weighing nearly 600 kg on Tuesday, hoping to claim the title for the world's largest cheese.周二,荷兰的干酪师们在起重机的帮助下将厚厚的一块荷兰干酪翻了一面,这块干酪重大600公斤,干酪师们希望它能成为世界上最大的干酪。 |