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词汇 Akhenaten
释义 AkhenatenCOCA⁶⁶²¹⁶BNC⁴⁵⁴²⁹

early ruler of Egypt who rejected the old gods and replaced them with sun worship died in 1358 BC A limestone stela from Amarna depicts pharaoh Akhenaten, his wife Nefertiti, and their daughters beneath the rays of the solar disk, symbol of the god Aten.
来自阿玛纳的一块石灰岩石碑描绘了阿赫那吞、其妻子娜芙提蒂和他们的女儿沐浴在阳光圆盘的光线中,圆盘即为阿吞神的象征。 yeeyan

More than anyone else, this great king would work to erase from history all traces of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and the other “ heretics” of the Amarna period.
为了掩人耳目,这位伟大的国王力图将阿赫那吞、图坦卡蒙和阿玛纳时期“异教徒们”的历史遗迹抹除得一干二净。 yeeyan

The identity of King Tut's father has long been a mystery. One candidate is the heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten, who abandoned the gods of the state to worship a single deity.
图坦卡蒙父亲的身份一直是个谜,最有可能的便是这位异端法老阿赫那吞,他废除了国家的诸神,开始敬奉单神。 yeeyan

The KV55 tomb contained a cache of material thought to have been brought by Tutankhamun to Thebes from Amarna, where Akhenaten and perhaps Smenkhkare had been buried.
有学者认为, KV55墓穴中的一些陪葬品是图坦卡蒙从阿玛纳带到底比斯的,而阿玛纳正是阿赫那吞或者斯孟克卡拉被埋葬的地方。 yeeyan

“The bust of Nefertiti, upon its return, will be exhibited at the Akhenaten Museum in Minya opening in early2012, ” Hawass said.
哈瓦斯表示:“奈费尔提蒂像一旦重返故土,就会进驻即将于2012年初在明亚开幕的阿肯那顿博物馆隆重展出,以向世界重现埃及的国粹光华。” yeeyan

A team of11 members has already begun the restoration work, starting from the statue of Akhenaten carrying an offering tray.
一个11人小组已经开始修复工作,就从阿肯纳坦手拿祭盘的雕像开始。 yeeyan

And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory.
正如卡蒙洛一样,阿肯纳坦时曾经繁华熙攘的首都现在只是神话中的记忆罢了。 hjenglish

By studying his and his male relative’s Y- chromosomes, scientists laid to rest theories that Tut and his father Akhenaten were hermaphrodites or androgynous in appearance.
通过研究他和他的男性亲戚的 Y染色体,也排除了有关图坦卡蒙和他的父亲阿肯那顿 Akhenaten外表上是阴阳人或雌雄同体的说法。 yeeyan

Depictions of Akhenaten with a bizarre feminine physique were due to the belief that god represented by the pharaoh was androgynous.
据描述,埃赫那顿具有奇异的女性特征,这源于法老代表的神兼具两性特征这一信仰。 iciba

For his study of Akhenaten, he used statues and carvings.
在研究阿赫那吞的体格时,布雷弗曼仔细察看了很多他的塑像和雕刻。 yeeyan

However, it would seem that Moses was affected by Akhenaten's ideas as he Moses studied the Egyptian mysteries.
不过,它似乎摩西是受内脏的想法,因为他摩西 ,研究了埃及的奥秘。

If so, she is most likely Ankhesenamun, a daughter of Akhenaten and the only known wife of Tutankhamun.
如果推论成立的话,那么她很可能就是安赫珊蒙,阿赫那吞的女儿和图坦卡蒙唯一已知的妻子。 yeeyan

In a backlash against Akhenaten's heresy, his successors manage to delete from history nearly all traces of the Amarna kings, including Tutankhamun.
为了防止阿赫那吞的异教说重新复辟,图坦卡蒙的继任者设法从历史中抹去了阿玛纳国王的所有痕迹,这其中就包括了图坦卡蒙。 yeeyan

It was a brief, shining moment in Egypt's history--a time of epochal change presided over by a Pharaoh named Akhenaten and his beautiful wife Nefertiti.
这是埃及历史上短暂辉煌的时期,是法老阿肯纳坦和他美丽的妻子奈菲提提统治下发生划时代变革的时期。 hjenglish

Now Akhenaten's 3,400- year-old world has been brilliantly recalled in an exhibit titled “ Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen,” which opens this week at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts.
现在,3400年前阿肯纳坦时代的辉煌将在波士顿美术馆被人们重温。 这儿正举办“太阳神法老:阿肯纳坦、奈菲提提、塔坦卡门”展览。 hjenglish

Pharaoh Akhenaten pointed to the rising and setting sun as the great deity who gave life to the earth.
阿肯那顿法老认为太阳神是管理日出日落、赐给地球生命的神。 ymnl

Royal epithets on the defaced coffin suggested the body inside might be Akhenaten.
毁坏棺材上的皇室尊号表明,这具遗体可能就是阿赫那吞。 yeeyan

Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the“ heretic” king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father.
科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。 yingyu

The ancient Egyptian ruler Akhenaten wasn't the most manly pharaoh, even though he fathered at least a half- dozen children.
古埃及统治者阿赫那吞恐怕不是最有男子汉气概的法老,虽说他有半打孩子。 yeeyan

The pharaoh Akhenaten began to build his new city by placing boundary markers to define its limits.

We know the names of five daughters of Amenhotep III and Tiye, but we will probably never know which of Akhenaten's sisters bore him a child.
阿蒙霍特普三世和提雅生育了五个女儿,她们的姓名我们已经知道,但我们可能永远也不会知道到底是哪一个女儿和阿赫那吞生下了图坦卡蒙。 yeeyan

We now knew we had the body of Tut's father— but we still did not know for certain who he was. Our chief suspects were Akhenaten and Smenkhkare.
虽然我们现在拥有了图坦卡蒙父亲的木乃伊,但我们依然不知道他的确切身份,怀疑的对象主要集中在阿赫那吞和斯孟克卡拉身上。 yeeyan

Akhenaten, who ruled Egypt between1379 and1362 BC, built and lived in Tell el-Amarna in central Egypt for15 years.
阿肯纳顿法老统治古埃及的时期为公元前1379年至公元前1362年,他在埃及中部创建了阿玛纳城并在此居住了15年。 kekenet

Akhenaten's cone-shaped head, elongated face, fingers and toes, pot belly and flaring hips have led some scholars to suggest that he had hydrocephalus or Marfan's syndrome.
阿肯纳坦的头圆锥形,脸、手指和脚趾较常人略长,大腹便便,臀部肥大,这使得某些学者认为他曾得过脑积水。 hjenglish




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