释义 |
Dushu 基本例句 督俞 The articles inDushufollow research of history academia, and have some characteristics ofDushuitself.其变动趋势大致体现了史学研究的进展,但也有《读书》杂志自身的特色。 The restaurant is located byDushuLake. It provides 200 seats with private rooms & dinning hall.桃李局餐厅坐落在风景如画的独墅湖畔,拥有8个包厢以及1个零点大厅,可供200人同时用餐。 Shaoxing city Golden tree silk printing and dyeing Co., Ltd.Add: DonghuDushu, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China.企业内设有国际贸易部,下设销售部、单证部等,为客户提供最优质完善的服务。 With total area of about 35 hectares, Jinji Lake Grand Hotel is located between Jinji Lake andDushuLake in Suzhou Industrial Park.苏州工业园区金鸡湖大酒店占地面积约35公顷,位于苏州工业园区金鸡湖和独墅湖这两大天然湖泊之间。 With the broadDushuLake to the south and an international standard 27-holes golf course to the west, Jinji Lake Grand Hotel is abounding in gifts of natural beauty.酒店南临辽阔的独墅湖,西邻按国际比赛标准建设的27洞高尔夫球场,地理位置得天独厚。 |