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Dursban 基本例句 毒死蜱 Chemical control: Acephate and chlorpyrifos . Granules can be use followed by irrigation.化学控制:乙酰甲胺磷ORTHENE和毒死蜱毒死蜱。颗粒剂使用后浇水。 The production of similar defects in animals exposed toDursbanand its components supports this teratogenic connection.毒死蜱及其组成物;能在实验动物引起类似缺陷;证明这种农药和引致畸形有关. An independent scientific study reported four cases of serious and disabling birth defects seen in children whose mothers were exposed toDursbanduring the first three months of their pregnancy.一个独立的科学研究报告四宗致残的严重出生缺陷个案.;儿童的母亲在怀孕的前三个月曾接触毒死蜱 Study on Enzyme-Membrane Biosensor for Fast Detection ofDursbanResidua快速检测毒死蜱残留量的酶膜生物传感器研究dursban plus fipronil 绿丰⎤ |