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du·rio AHDˈdyu̇rēˌō 基本英英例句 n.榴莲属¹⁰⁰
Noun: a genus of tall Asian trees of the family BombacaceaeA tree of southeast Asia, bearing edible fruit.榴莲树东南亚的一种树榴莲榴莲属,果实可食用 A tree of southeast Asia, bearing edible fruit.榴莲树:东南亚的一种树榴莲榴莲属,果实可食用 A distracted Pompey dispatchesDurio, his top aide, to take care of the gold, loading his vault onto an ox-drawn wagon.处于极度混乱中的庞培派出了他最得力的助手杜里奥去将这些金币装在一辆牛车上运走。 En route out of the city,Duriois stabbed by one of his underlings, Appius, who redirects the wagon procession's course.在出城的路上杜里奥被他的一名手下阿庇尤斯刺死,他带着人驾着牛车逃走了。 KeywordsDuriozibethinus Murr;trace element;榴莲果;微量元素; a tree of southeast Asia,bearing edible fruit东南亚的一种树榴莲榴莲属,果实可食用 |