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Ak·bar 英ˈækbɑː美ˈækbɑrAHDăkʹbär 高 基本例句 亚格伯1542-1605,莫卧儿帝国的统治者1556-1605 And from rooftops across the city, the defiant sound of“ Allah- u- Akbar” — “ God is Great” — went up yet again, as it has every night since the fraudulent election. 全城的屋顶上再次传来反抗的声音“ Allah- u- Akbar”——“上帝至大”——自从欺诈选举以来,每天晚上都是如此。 yeeyan Cries of“ Allahu Akbar” rang out when security forces approached on Thursday night, almost drowning out the gunfire. 当安全部队在周四靠近时,“真主伟大”的呼喊声响起,几乎淹没了枪声。 ecocn The country has “the best prospects for oil in the world,” says Sara Akbar, chief executive of Kuwait Energy. 科威特能源的总裁 Sara Akbar认为,伊拉克石油业前景在全球是最光明的。 ecocn The president’s choice to succeed him, Ali Akbar Salehi, has often been cited as a candidate for the post. 总统选择的继任者阿克巴尔塞里希常常被认为是外长职位的候选人。 ecocn “ This is the kind of freedom we long for in Iran, ” sighed Ali Akbar, an Australian tourist of Iranian descent. 澳大利亚旅游团的一位伊朗后裔阿里阿巴克轻声叹息道“这是我们在伊朗所渴望的一种自由。” ecocn Ali Akbar Salehi said the reactors will produce nuclear material that will be exported to other Islamic countries for medical research. 萨利希说,反应堆生产出的核材料将被出口到其他伊斯兰国家用于医学研究。 tingvoa As darkness fell, rooftop cries of Allahu Akbar God is greatest sounded out across northern Tehran, an echo of tactics used in the1979 Islamic revolution against the Shah. 夜幕降临的时候,从屋顶上传来的呼唤真主阿克巴伊斯兰最高的神的呼喊声响彻德黑兰北部,令人想起了1979年伊斯兰革命爆发推翻伊朗王朝时的情景。 yeeyan Barak’s trip followed a visit by Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, who was in Beijing late last month to seek China’s support regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons. 而就在巴拉克访华之前,伊朗外长阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希也刚刚访问中国以寻求中国在伊朗核武器问题上的支持。 yeeyan He summoned Akbar Etemad, a trained nuclear physicist, to the royal court in1973, told him of his desire to launch a nuclear program, and asked Etemad to develop a master plan. 1973年,他在宫廷召见了训练有素的核物理学家阿克巴尔·艾特马,和他谈了自己开展一个核计划的愿望,并要求艾特马制定一个总体规划。 yeeyan His economic portrait of Mughal India was influenced by a16th- century survey by Abu Fazl, vizier to Emperor Akbar. 他对印度莫卧儿王朝经济情况的描绘,深受阿克巴大帝的大臣阿布法兹勒对16世纪全面评述的影响。 ecocn His grandson Akbar had this scene illustrated for an edition of the Baburnama see picture. 他的一个孙子阿克巴把这个情景画了下来。 ecocn In a sign of defiance, Mousavi backers took to Tehran rooftops after nightfall Friday to shout Allahu AkbarGod is greatest, a deliberate echo of tactics in the1979 revolution. 做为一种公然反抗,穆萨维的支持者在星期五傍晚爬到德黑兰的房顶,大声喊着真主阿克巴的名字,以故意勾起人们对1979年革命的记忆。 yeeyan In recent weeks milder conservatives, including another former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, have tried to defuse the crisis by urging restraint. 最近几周,稍温和的保守派人士,包括另一位前总统拉夫桑贾尼,试图鼓励克制以化解危机。 ecocn Iran's nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, says activity at the plant is within the framework of the IAEA. 伊朗原子能组织主席萨利希说,核设施内的活动都是在国际原子能机构规定的框架下。 iciba Mohammed Akbar is a Hazara farmer with gray- blue eyes that match his tightly wound turban and an elfin face ringed by a white beard. 哈扎拉农民默罕默德·阿克巴长着一副灰蓝色的眼睛,与之相称的是他紧裹着的包头巾和白色胡子绕腮的窄小的脸庞。 yeeyan More pragmatic politicians, such as Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, would prefer to re-open negotiations with the West to avoid open confrontation. 更多务实的政客,比如阿亚图拉•阿克巴尔•哈什米•拉夫桑贾尼 Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani更主张与西方各国重开和谈大门,避免公开冲突。 ecocn Mr Mousavian is close to Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president and Mr Ahmadinejad's defeated rival in the2005 election. 穆萨维安先生与伊朗的一位前总统阿克巴尔•哈什米•拉夫桑贾尼 Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani的关系甚密,在2005年的总统大选上被艾哈迈迪内贾德先生击败。 ecocn Pakistan, which has as much human talent as India, could use an Akbar. Ditto the Arab world. 巴基斯坦与印度有同样多的人才,也可以由一个阿克巴似的人物领导,整个阿拉伯世界也是如此。 yeeyan Shaykh Zubair Akbar, head of a private Islamic school, says terrorists tend not to come from mosques; they are often radicalised at university, or online. Shaykh Zubair Akbar是一所私立伊斯兰教学校的校长,他表明恐怖分子可能并非来自清真寺;他们经常在大学,或者在网络上面受到煽动。 ecocn The movement, moreover, may have lost the unambiguous support of its most powerful backer, a former president, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. 此外,“绿色运动”可能还失去了前总统阿克巴尔·哈什米·拉夫桑贾尼含混却最有力的支持。 ecocn This pits Mr Khamenei against a wily former president who until recently was often regarded as the Islamic Republic’s second- most- powerful man, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. 而这场纷争将使得哈梅内伊走向阿克巴尔-哈什米-拉夫桑贾尼的对立面,阿克巴尔-哈什米-拉夫桑贾尼是伊朗前总统,生性狡猾,直至当下仍被认为是伊斯兰国家的第二号人物。 ecocn Until now, the university has been a centre of support for the former President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, one of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's main rivals. 目前为止,这所大学一直是支持前总统拉夫桑贾尼的中心。 拉夫桑贾尼是现任总统内贾德的主要竞争对手之一。 ebigear Until then, there is nothing for them but implicit obedience to an Akbar or a Charlemagne, if they are so fortunate as to find one. 在那之前,如果蛮夷足够幸运,他们只能盲从于类似于阿克巴或者查理曼大帝的独裁统治。 yeeyan We took strolls in the musty- smelling bazaars of the Shar-e- Nau section of Kabul, or the new city, west of the Wazir Akbar Khan district. 我们在喀布尔新城那个弥漫着难闻气味的市场闲逛。 新城叫沙里诺区,在瓦兹尔·阿克巴·汗区以西。 kekenet Yet Akbar’s fusion of religions is not quite dead: there is a Hindu village in the Kulu valley of the Himalayas whose local god is a reincarnation of him. 阿喀巴对于宗教融合的理想并没有完全消亡,在喜马拉雅山脉的库鲁山谷中有一个印度人村庄,他们的神明便是阿喀巴的化身。 yeeyan Akbar paid the price in an abortive rebellion by his son, claiming to be a defender of the faith. 阿喀巴为此付出了代价,他的儿子谋反了。 阿喀巴很快平息了叛乱,表明了对自己信仰的坚定捍卫。 yeeyan Akbar softened towards Islam thereafter, and is thought to have died, in1605, a Muslim, not an apostate. 但此后阿喀巴对伊斯兰教的态度软化了下来,据说他在1605年以一个穆斯林的身份去世了。 yeeyan |