释义 |
Duolang 基本例句 多浪¹⁰⁰ “Duolangwu”is popular in the Markit and Bachu areas on the edge of the Tarim Basin, where the Uygur call themselves “Duolang”.“多朗舞”,流传于塔里木盆地大沙漠边缘的麦盖提、巴楚等地。“多朗”一词,是该地区维吾尔族人的自称。 The music is “DuolangMukamu”, accompanied by sonorous male singing.此舞由《多朗木卡姆》伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱; The music is “DuolangMukamu” , accompanied by sonorous male singing.此舞由《多朗木卡姆》伴奏,并且和着乐曲有高亢的男声伴唱 “Duolangwu” is popular in the Markit and Bachu areas on the edge of the Tarim Basin, where the Uygur call themselves “Duolang”.“多朗舞”,流传于塔里木盆地大沙漠边缘的麦盖提、巴楚等地。“多朗”一词,是该地区维吾尔族人的自称。 Improving effect ofDuolangSheep crossed with Poll Dorset Sheep无角陶赛特羊与多浪羊杂交改良效果初探 Primary Examination on Relativity about the Polymorphism in Blood Protein and Twinborn Ability ofDuolangSheep多浪羊血液蛋白多态性与双羔性能的相关性初探 |