

单词 dunks
释义 dunk·s 英dʌŋk美dʌŋk COCA⁵⁰¹⁶⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
a basketball shot in which the basketball is propelled downward into the basket
immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate;

dip the garment into the cleaning solution

dip the brush into the paint

make a dunk shot, in basketball;

He dunked the ball

dip into a liquid while eating;

She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce

Slam Dunk灌篮, 引人注目的强…duck鸭肉slam-dunk大笔回报; 作大投入…dunk rinsing浸水清洗behind-the-head dunk头后扣篮hook dunk钩手扣篮dunk shot将球塞入篮内…
近义词 dip浸duck鸭肉immerse浸douse浸入soak使浸透put in插入steep险峻的plunge使投入souse浸在水中submerge使浸没stuff shot扣篮dunk shot将球塞入篮内…

用作及物动词She used todunkher biscuits in her tea.以前她总是把饼干在茶里泡了吃。
The children are allowed todunktheir bread in the soup.孩子们被允许把面包放在汤里浸泡一会儿。
Let'sdunkin the pool before dinner.我们饭前到池塘里泡一会儿。
It is nice todunkoneself in a pool on hot days.大热天泡在游泳池里是一件美妙的事。
You can't really slamdunka basketball.你根本就不能扣篮的。
He coulddunkit over anyone because of his length and his athleticism.他可以在任何人的头上扣篮,因为他的臂长和他的运动的热情。 Bryant hit his first five shots, three of them3- pointers, and Gasol was6-for-6 including two dunks as the Lakers looked early like the versatile inside-out team with Gasol.
科比前5投全部命中,其中包括3个3分球,加索尔6投6中,其中还有两个扣篮,这看上去加索尔已经很熟悉湖人的内外结合打法。 www.kobechina.com.cn

Personally, I can talk about his buzzer beating over- time shots and outrageous dunks until i turn blue in the face, but there is so much more to his career than a few games and highlights.
说得差不多了,但是我觉得只选取你最喜欢的十场比赛,或者是从精彩时刻里选出几个扣篮,并以此来总结一个球员的生涯和成就不是太妥。 www.023java.com




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