释义 |
Dune area 基本例句 沙丘地区 The experiment based on the auto-weighing lysimeters aims to study the soil moisture dynamics and evapotranspiration of revegetated and bare desertdune area.以大型自动称重式蒸渗仪为试验设施,对草原化荒漠带固沙植丛区与无植被沙区土壤水分动态及蒸散发进行对比研究。 The Wuqi community is the representative community indune areaof the Loess Plateau area.There were more species and different densities.The dominant species were Chinese zokor and jerboa.吴旗林区的啮齿动物群落是典型的黄土高原风沙区林地群落类型,种类较多,密度变化较大,优势种为中华鼢鼠和跳鼠类。 |