

单词 dumpers
释义 dumpers ˈdʌmpəz COCA¹²¹⁸³¹BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
n.垃圾车;卸货车;自动倾卸车;清洁工人;倾卸者;倾销者化卸料器原型dumper的复数 We should develop such mine machinery as large grinding machines, multi- rope elevators, underground scrapers, rotary cement kilns, large mine dumpers, etc. and extend their service life;
发展大型磨机、多绳提升机、井下铲运机、水泥回转窑、大型矿用自卸车等矿山机械并提高使用寿命; lawyee

But this need not—and in today's febrile environment must not— mean dumping existing dollar reserves. That would impose a far higher cost on everyone, including the dumpers.
但是这是没有必要的,现今的环境也不允许,这意味着抛售现有的美元储备将增加所有人包括抛售者本人远期的成本。 ecocn

Everyone agrees they were ordinary Somalian fishermen who at first took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers, or at least wage a ' tax' on them.
所有人都承认这些人本来只是普通的索马里渔民,他们一开始是驾驶快艇,试图阻止倾倒废料的船只和非法捕捞的拖网渔船,如果无法劝阻这些行为,至少能向他们“征税”。 yeeyan

The technical reconstruction of the Coke Plant's dumper system settled such problems restricting the speed of dumpers as bridging and coal sticking, thus increasing the speed.
通过对焦化厂翻车机系统进行技术改造,解决了制约翻卸车速度的蓬料和粘煤等问题,提高了翻卸车速度。 chemyq




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