释义 |
Dulan County 基本例句 都兰县 Dulan County in Connaught Hung-southeast direction of a rural desert.位于都兰县诺木洪乡东南方向的一片荒漠地带。 Tubo Ancient graves: The famous Tang Dynasty Tubo graves is nearby the Dulan county seat Chahanwusu town 10 kilometers away from Reshui.三)吐蕃墓葬群:著名的唐代吐蕃墓葬群就在距都兰县城察汗乌苏镇10公里处的热水附近。 Wulonggou gold deposit in Dulan county, Qinghai province is the most important one in East Kunlun Mountains. The study on its minerogenetic mechanism and conditions is very important.青海省都兰县五龙沟金矿床是青海省及东昆仑地区一个十分重要的金矿床,其成矿条件及成矿作用的研究对工作程度很低的东昆仑地区金矿找矿工作具有十分重要的意义。 Wulonggou gold deposit in Dulan county, Qinghai province is the most important one in East Kunlun Mountains.The study on its min erogenetic mechanism and conditions is very important.青海省都兰县五龙沟金矿床是青海省及东昆仑地区一个十分重要的金矿床,其成矿条件及成矿作用的研究对工作程度很低的东昆仑地区金矿找矿工作具有十分重要的意义。 The Gold Coin of East Rome Empire Unearthed in Dulan County of Qinghai都兰县出土的东罗马金币考证 |