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akCOCA⁴⁰³³⁰BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺⁸ 基本英英近义反义例句 医光化性角化病=actinic keratosis;abbr.美国阿拉斯加邮政编码=Alaska
Noun: a state in northwestern North America; the 49th state admitted to the union;Alaska is the largest state in the United States 近义词 Alaska阿拉斯加美国州名…Last Frontier辽阔的大地美国阿拉斯加… As for the role of the small-arms trade, although an adolescent brandishing an AK-47 is certainly terrifying, most child soldiers never touch a weapon. 比起用他们的小手做生意,未成年人挥舞着 AK-47自然是一种可怕的景象,但事实上许多儿童兵从未摸过武器。 yeeyan No institution in Turkey lives up to that adage more than its meddlesome army, which is embroiled in yet another row with the ruling Justice and Development ( AK Party. 在土耳其,最符合这条格言的莫过于到处滋事的军队了,现在它正卷入又一轮与执政党正义与发展党 AK党的对抗。 ecocn The biggest reason for AK’s popularity is its successful economic management. 正发 AK党受欢迎的最大原因就是其成功的经济管理。 ecocn The scale of AK’s victory suggests it would win any referendum on a new constitution. 正发 AK党胜利的规模表明了它将赢得任何一次相关新宪法的全民公投。 ecocn As ever, ordinary Kurds will pay the price as support for the AK’s Kurdish reforms fizzles out. 如同以往,每当 AK党库尔德改革的支持消失殆尽,库尔德平民就将付出他们的代价。 ecocn But they are turning the diplomatic screws, and are eager for AK to sever political and trade links with Mr Assad. 但是,他们正在施加外交压力,并渴望正义与发展 AK党与阿萨德先生断绝政治和贸易关系。 ecocn His critics gloomily compare AK to Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party, which ruled for half a century. 他的评论家令人失望地将正发 AK党与日本统治了半个世纪的自民党相比。 ecocn His mildly Islamist Justice and Development AK party won47% of the vote on July22nd, a12-point increase in the vote that swept him to office in 2002. 他领导下的温和的伊斯兰政党,正义与发展党 AK,在7月22日的大选中赢得了47%的选票,这比2002年正发党上台时的得票率高了12%。 ecocn No doubt coup-mongers are among them, yet there is widespread concern that some caught up in the trials are innocent people whose crime is to oppose AK. 毫无疑问,这其中肯定有政变分子,但是人们普遍担心,一些人利用审判的机会抓了一些反对 AK的无辜人员。 ecocn Security is also an issue as the region is known bandit country, and many locals are armed with AK-47 assault rifles. 众所周知该地区强盗出没,所以安全保卫也是一个问题。许多当地人都随身携带 AK-47攻击步枪。 yeeyan Signed by Dursun Cicek, a colonel serving in the army’s psychological warfare unit, the plan calls for “mobilising agents” within AK to discredit the party through their actions and words. 这份计划由一位在陆军心理战部门服役的吐尔逊·西塞克上校签署,它要求潜伏于 AK党内的特务用语言和行动在该党内部挑拨离间。 ecocn The opposition claims AK will use the changes to pack the courts with Islamists, paving the way to religious rule. 发对党声称 AK党江利用这次宪法修订机会,将法院塞满伊斯兰教徒,为宗教统治铺平道路。 ecocn These, along with a strong economic record, helped AK to return to office last year with an increased share of the vote. 这些成绩连同强劲的经济创纪录发展,帮着 AK政党去年以增加的选票份额重返政坛。 ecocn These groups set limits to the AK party’s ambitions; like most rich folk they favour stability. 这些群体限制了 AK党的野心;像大多数人们一样,他们更喜欢稳定的生活。 ecocn This is the Soviet Union's Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle, developed in the 1940s for the Arctic, and popular with assault rifle users everywhere. 这个可是苏联卡拉什尼科夫 AK-47冲锋枪,它是针对北极圈设计,产于1940年代,并且是使用最广泛的冲锋枪。 yeeyan To keep American prints off the operation, he ordered anti-aircraft guns from Israel, bullets from Egypt and cut- price AK-47s from China. 为了避免美国新闻探听这个活动,他从以色列购买高射机枪,从埃及购买子弹,从中国购买 AK-47步枪。 ecocn Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development AK party won a third consecutive general election, taking almost half the votes. 土耳其执政的正义与发展 AK党连续第三次赢得大选,几乎赢得一半的选票。 ecocn Why is so much about the development of the AK-47 still shrouded in secrecy? 为什么这么多关于 AK-47发展的信息仍处于保密之中? yeeyan Yet it came as no surprise when Mr Gul and Mr Erdogan broke ranks to form the ruling Justice and Development AK party in2001. 因此,当总统居尔和总理埃尔多安突破正义与发展党 AK,创建于2001年的束缚时,这次不奇怪。 ecocn Yet his Justice and Development AK Party felt it for the first time in local elections on March29th, when voters gave it only39% of the vote. 然而其领导的正义与发展党 AK在3月29日仅仅赢得39%选票的地方选举后第一次品尝到失利的滋味。 ecocn You can forget about the popular image that the phrase“ child soldier” evokes: a pre- adolescent African boy, perhaps doped, wielding an AK-47 with anger burning in his eyes. 你现在可以忘了那幅关于“娃娃兵”这个词的流行景象了:还没有到青春期的非洲男孩,也许还挥舞着 AK-47并且眼中充满怒火。 yeeyan |