

单词 dugouts
释义 dugouts ˈdʌɡauts COCA⁵⁶⁶³³BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
n.独木舟dugout的名词复数;掩护部;防空洞原型dugout的复数 Behind the pillboxes were more lines of barbed wire and more trenches and dugouts reinforced with concrete to withstand artillery bombardment.
在这些机枪碉堡后方是更多的铁丝网、更多的壕沟,以及使用混凝土进行强化并能承受炮火轰击的掩蔽部。 yeeyan

First the Russians and South Ossetians fortified a checkpoint on their side of the road with camouflaged dugouts sprouting tricolour flags.
起先俄罗斯人和南奥塞梯人在自己的防区设立边检站,界路的两边满是插满三色旗的迷彩掩体。 ecocn

Now they build dugouts and bunkers, using cargo containers sunk into the ground.
现在他们建起了防空洞和地保,将装有货物的箱子沉到地下。 ecocn

On the defensive, they dig themselves dugouts protected by palm trunks, and then they crawl in and resist until some explosive or a human terrier kills them.
防守的时候,他们挖防空壕,用棕榈树干伪装,然后他们躲在里面直到被炮火或敌人打死。 yeeyan

Vehicles were camouflaged by day or hidden in tunnels, under bridges, or in dugouts.
白天,机动车辆伪装起来,或者藏进隧道,桥下以及山洞中。 jsqg.org




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