

单词 duane
释义 duane 英dweɪn美dwenAHDdwān 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
All three members in Long's family have a Chinese name each, himself called Duane Long, his wife Pei Long and their son Bao Long.
龙瑞一家三口,每个人都有一个中国名字,他自己叫龙瑞,他的妻子叫龙佩,儿子叫龙宝。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The engineering background and technique of the software reliability growth test based on Duane model is introduced in this paper.
论述了基于杜安模型的软件可靠性增长试验的工程背景及具体实施方法。 dictall

You want to see Duane down at the Feed and Seed or stop by Skoglin's yet this evening and pick up yours.
要么去看看杂货店的杜安,要么在当晚去斯科格林店给自己挑选一面旗子。 xnwap.cn

“ I guess we are not going tonight!” messages Duane.
“我觉得我们今晚哪儿都别去了!”杜南 Duane发了条信息。 yeeyan

“ This food is about the most perfect you can find for human diets, ” said Duane Johnson, a61-year-old former Colorado State agronomist who helped introduce it to the United States three decades ago.
“这种食品大概是你能找到的最完美的人类膳食品”,三年前把这种食品引入到美国的61岁的前科罗拉多州农学家杜安.约翰逊说。 yeeyan

“ This is a promising new lead in the search for biological pathways that contribute to obesity, ” said Duane Alexander, M. D.
“这是一个寻找有助于肥胖的生物通路的一个很有前途的切入点,” Duane Alexander, M。 dxy

“The intent of basic training is to get folks up to the proficiency they need to begin mission- specific training, ” says Duane Ross, NASA’s manager for astronaut candidate selection and training.
“基础训练的目的是要使他们能够熟练到可以进行特定任务的训练,”国家宇航局宇航员候选人挑选和训练的经理杜安· 罗斯 Duane Ross说到。 yeeyan

Duane Snipes,29, disabled the vehicle's security system and stole it from a terminal in New York City last Wednesday.
今年29岁的德温·斯奈普斯上周三潜入灰狗公司在纽约的一个车站,破坏了客车的安全系统后将车盗走。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Duane Grant, chairman of the Snake River Sugar Co. in Idaho, says the difficulties start with the most basic necessity: seeds.
杜兰恩·格兰特,爱达荷洲蛇之河糖果公司主席称,最基本的困难就是种子。 yeeyan

Bell uses the key technique that specialists use in debates, dubbed by Eugenie Scott the “Gish gallop”, named after a master of the style, anti- evolutionist Duane Gish.
贝尔利用否决者们在辩论中使用的关键技巧,尤金妮亚斯科特称之为“吉什辩论法”,以创造论大师、反进化论者杜安吉什命名。 yeeyan

Driving to a Mariners game, Duane Innes saw a pickup ahead of him drift across lanes of traffic, sideswipe a concrete barrier and continue forward on the inside shoulder at about40 mph.
在 Duane Innes开车去看西雅图水手队的比赛时,他看见前面的一辆小卡车穿越了数条车道、擦过一处水泥护栏,并以40哩的速度继续在内测路肩上行驶。 yeeyan

Earlier this year, I received a letter from a patient named Duane Smith.
今年的早些时候,我收到一份病人的来信,署名是杜安·史密斯。 yeeyan

If certain species should become extinct, Dr. Duane.
如果某些物种灭绝应该成为博士杜安。 yyge

In fact, Duane isn't so much crazy about Chinese philosophy as his son.
事实上,龙瑞并不像他的儿子那样疯狂着迷于中国哲学。 suiniyi

Michael duane Archer has been an active commodity futures and FOREX trader for over thirty years.
迈克尔阿彻平一直活跃商品期货和外汇交易超过三十年。 pinggu

Some of them, though, say they simply cannot. Duane Grant, chairman of the Snake River Sugar Co. in Idaho, says the difficulties start with the most basic necessity: seeds.
他们中的一些人却说不能。杜兰恩·格兰特,爱达荷洲蛇之河糖果公司主席称,最基本的困难就是种子。 yeeyan

The office was formed under a memorandum of understanding between the Marine Corps and the Army, explains Duane Gotvald, RSJPO deputy project manager.
该办公室是在海军陆战队和陆军达成谅解备忘录的情况下形成的,丹尼。哥特伍德解释说,机器人系统联合项目办公室负责项目管理。 forum.defence.org.cn

Upholstered with luminous sponges and corals, the bridge of the U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Duane attracts schools of smallmouth grunts— and divers.
美国海岸巡逻队队员卡特。度安用夜光海绵和珊瑚装饰了的桥吸引了成群的小嘴鲈鱼和潜水员。 xiuxianqu.com

Voluntary Simplicity is“ living in a way that is outwardly more simple and inwardly more rich, ” as Duane Elgin put it in his1993 book, Voluntary Simplicity.
“自愿简易”意为“以一种外在更简单,而内在更丰富的方式生活”,正如 Duane Elgin在他1993年的书中写到的,“自愿简易”。 yeeyan

When embracing old school punk rock and skateboard pioneers you have to acknowledge Mr Duane Peters, a. k. a. The Master of Disaster.
当拥抱和学校和滑板朋克摇滚先驱,你不得不承认杜安彼得斯先生,又名灾难的硕士学位。 justwen

You don’t want to say someday, “That’s where Dad popped the question, ” and be standing in front of a Duane Reade.
并且你也不希望以后你儿子在逛街遇到这个餐馆的时候,和别人说起“我爸当年就是在这儿求婚的。” yeeyan

Duane opened the box with his knife.
杜安用刀撬开了箱子。 wordreference

Duane's son was caught red-handed while shoplifting in a department store.
杜恩的儿子在百货公司行窃时当场被逮。 calm-sea




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