

单词 AJ
释义 AJ高COCA³⁴⁵⁰⁷BNC⁵²²¹⁹
A-2L- AJ bricks on upper slag zone have been used for more than1 year, solving the problem of over expansion of Mg-Cr bricks.
AJ砖在渣线上部使用1年以上,还解决了镁铬砖一直过大膨胀问题。 jzgwrm

AC Milan starlet Pato is yet to win a UEFA Champions League game at San Siro but, with AJ Auxerre visiting, he does not expect the wait to last much longer as he targets a trip to Wembley.
谈到今晚圣西罗的比赛帕托说;欧洲冠军联赛我从来没有获得,我的目标是温布利决赛场但现在要从欧塞尔开始欧冠之旅。 bbs.espnstar.com.cn

It is shown by simulation examples that the modified algorithm can restrain the propagation errors and has better performance than GM-RC, AJ-RC algorithm.
模拟实验结臬表明:改进算法有效地抑制了传播误差并进一步简化了运算,因而性能更加优越。 cnki

Based on AJ model, technology spillovers were considered as endogenous parameter.
在 AJ模型的基础上,将技术溢出率作为内生变量。 cnki

Before, this computer was owned by the AJ Arnold Company.
之前,这个计算机是 AJ, Arnold公司所有的。 v.163.com

Currently, AJ is trying to develop its business and market share in Asia.
目前, AJ公司正在积极的开拓亚洲市场。 fabiao

He appears to have shared for a time AJ Ayer's assertion that the only significant propositions are those that can be empirically or scientifically verified.
曾经有个时期,他似乎赞同艾耶尔的观点,只有那些能够被经验和科学证明的观点才是真正重要的观点。 org

He dreamed of such as Jordan in the NBA, like speeding, mbt shoes, wearing jersey No. 23 to the last record has a pair of dunks and even their shoes AJ series.
他梦想如乔丹一样在 NBA赛场上飞驰,穿23号球衣来上一记暴扣甚至是拥有一双自己的 AJ系列球鞋。572800.net

Here's how Wii Fit solved a15-year-old problem for AJ Glasser.
这里讲述了任天堂 “ Wii Fit” 游戏如何解决了一个15岁少年“ AJ Glasser”的困惑。 yeeyan

The bird, called AJ, can be seen putting a golf ball, slam dunking a basketball and performing gymnastic routines.
这只美国鹦鹉名叫AJ,能扣篮、打高尔夫并表演体操动作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

This is a workmanlike thriller at best, and would probably have disappeared entirely if it wasn't for the presence of young AJ.
这顶多算是一部标准的恐怖片,如果没有朱莉的出演或许早就没人记得它了。 yeeyan

Where is AJ Kumar?
库马尔在哪儿? yeeyan

AJ Glasser could kick your ass in Wii Fit Plus's Obstacle Course even if she weighed300 pounds.
在 Wii Fit加强版中, AJ Glasser会踢你的屁股,即便她已经300英磅了。 yeeyan

AJ Green is alleged to have been involved in the scam and employees of Absolute Poker are prepared to implicate him, apparently.
绿色的 aj据称曾参与诈骗和雇员的绝对扑克准备株连他的,显然。 wanbet

AJ is such a company in China which invested and owned by a US based AJ group. The main product line which AJ produced is the forming, press and dryer clothing which used in the papermaking machine.
本文研究的 AJ公司是一家美国独资企业在中国的设立的分公司,主要生产造纸网毯中成型网、干网和压榨毛毯三大类产品。 fabiao

Teacher AJ lead the Kids speak in English.
AJ先生现场启发小朋友开口讲英文。 www.cieo.com.cn




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