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词汇 dry-friction
释义 dry-friction
Dry friction occurs when one solid body slides on another.一个固体在另一个固体上滑动时出现的现象,称为干摩擦。
As a kind of material with dry friction damping characteristics, metal rubber is used in many fields.摘要金属橡胶作为一种干摩擦阻尼材料,其阻尼特性在很多领域得到了应用。
The clutch is a standard dry friction type sized to tolerate the forces required to close the clutch rapidly.离合器为标准型干摩擦式,其尺寸由快速合上离合所需要的力的大小决定。
According to the analysis, dry friction damper can raise the aeroelastic stability of the labyrinth gas seals.研究表明,干摩擦式阻尼减振器可以有效地提高篦齿封严装置的气动弹性稳定性。
For the use of vibration protection, hysteresis loop is often applied to descript and calculate the parameters of dry friction damping characteristics of metal rubber.在振动防护领域,通常用金属橡胶阻尼元件的迟滞回线来描述金属橡胶的干摩擦阻尼特性。
Serious adhesion wear appears when Ni-Si_3N_4 compositecoatings are against carbon steel in the condition of dry friction.Ni-Si_3N_4复合镀层在与碳钢干摩擦时极易产生严重的粘着现象。




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