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AI technique 基本例句 人工智能技术 At the same time,it is pointed thatAI technique,expert system and fuzzy control etc are the development aspec…同时指出,人工智能技术、专家系统及模糊控制技术等是加热炉燃烧控制技术的发展方向。 The system was developed on SolidWorks with VB6?0, COM,andAI techniquefor designing high quality plastic and rubber molds effectively.选用SolidWorks为开发平台,应用VB6、COM,以及人工智能理论技术,开发出塑料、橡胶注射模具设计专用系统,大大提高了设计效率和质量。 Being an advanced technique,theAI techniqueis applied in leukocyte images processing to promote the intelligentize of leukocyte recognition.本文对影响白细胞识别准确度的因素作了分析,并给出了基于知识的自细胞识别系统模型。 |