

释义 AISCCOCA¹⁹³⁰⁶⁶
It carried the UConn seal and asserted that“ special consideration will be given to students applying through the AISC for the Torrington campus.”
信函中有康州大学的印章,声称通过美国国际留学中心向托灵顿校区提出申请的学生,将会享受特殊待遇。 yeeyan

It is pointed out that the problems and drawbacks exist in quality management in AISC, and the practical measures are presented.
指出鞍钢在质量管理方面存在的问题和缺陷,并提出了具体整改措施。 cnki

The paper aims to give reference to improvements in secondary refining in AISC.
旨在为鞍钢的钢水二次精炼技术水平的提高起到一定的参考作用。 cnki

The tieing machine in Wirc Rod Company of AISC is imported from Switzerland. The hydraulic system is introduced in detail for using it correctly and some problems to have to be solved are pointed out.
鞍钢线材公司的打捆机是从瑞典引进的先进设备,为正确使用设备,对其液压系统部分作了详细介绍,并指出有待解决的一些问题。 cnki

The activity of'comparing to the standard' aimed at' increasing quality, decreasing consumption and seeking to live' has been carried out in AISC since the later half of1999.
1999年下半年开始,鞍钢在全公司范围内开展了以“提质、降耗、求生存”为目标的“对标”活动。 cnki

The ASP continuous caster used in AISC was all equipped with VAI SMART sector section as well as dynamic soft reduction techniques.
鞍钢 ASP铸机均采用奥钢联 SMART扇形段并配有动态轻压下技术。 chinamet

The drum flying shear of AISC Hot Strip Continuous Rolling Mill Plant has been introduced from Germany.
鞍钢热轧带钢厂的鼓式飞剪是从德国引进的。 cnki

The drum flying shear of AISC semi- continuous Rolling Mill Plant has been introduced from Germany.
鞍钢半连轧厂的鼓式飞剪是从德国引进的。 chemyq

The practice after the feeding pump of hard pitch controlled by belt changed into frequency control of speed in AISC Chemical General Plant is introduced.
介绍了鞍钢化工总厂硬质沥青加料泵皮带调速改为交流变频调速的实际应用过程。 cnki

The problems of low qualification ratio of steel plate properties exist in production of SS 400 steel plate at AISC Wide and Heavy plate Plant.
鞍钢宽厚板厂在SS400钢板的实际生产中,存在着钢板性能合格率低的问题。 cnki

The technology and flow sheet of No. 2 walking beam furnace of AISC Heavy plate Plant are introduced.
介绍鞍钢宽厚板厂2号步进式加热炉的工艺及流程。 chemyq

“ I thought AISC was part of UConn,” the student said.
林说,“我曾以为这个中心是康州大学的一个部门”。 yeeyan

According to the design of slab mould at AISC, a series of hydraulic model experiments were made.
以安钢板坯连铸机结晶器为原型,进行了水力模型实验。 chemyq

Anshan Iron & Steel Corp AISC;
鞍山钢铁集团公司; chemyq

Characteristic, constitution design and control ways of air conditioning system of AISC1780mm Hot Rolling Strip Production Line are described, in which secondary pump system is mainly expounded.
介绍鞍钢1780热轧带钢生产线空调系统的特点、构成、设计及控制方案。主要阐述二次泵系统的应用。 cnki

In the light of the current status advices are offered for improvement of medium steel plate at AISC Heavy Plate Plant and further development of new products.
针对现状,为鞍钢厚板厂提高中厚板质量,不断开发新产品献计献策。 cnki

Scientific research of optimizing coal match carried out in AISC in recent years is expounded.
论述了近年来鞍钢进行的优化配煤结构的科研工作。 cnki

Since commission of AISC Qidashan Iron Ore Plant Dressing Branch, the quality of the circulating water can't meet the draining standard all along.
鞍钢齐大山铁矿选矿分厂自投产以来,循环水质一直不能做到达标排放。 cnki

The article discusses structure of the automatic instrument system for No.2 slab continue caster in AISC No.3 Steelmaking Plant, and discusses its function of instrument detection and control.
论述了鞍钢第三炼钢厂2号板坯连铸机自动化仪表控制系统的构成,并对板坯连铸机仪表检测和控制功能进行了简要论述。 chemyq

The paper introduces the production and development of high strength truck beam steels A610Lin AISC, and describes design principle of composition and microstructure as well as process parameter.
介绍了鞍钢高强 A610L的开发生产情况,阐述了 A610L成分、组织及工艺参数设计原理。 cnki

The paper presents the type of pipeline steel. It traces the history of pipeline steel development in AISC. It also makes a prediction for pipeline steel development future.
介绍了管线钢的种类,回顾了鞍钢管线钢发展的历程,对管线钢发展前景作出了预测。 chemyq

The results show that this reform of AISC Ironmaking Plant has promoted the increasement of enterprise economic profit directly.
实践证明,鞍钢炼铁厂的这一改革,直接推动了企业经济效益的提高。 cnki

The situation of rolled steel product's gauge of AISC is investigated systematically. The gauge, package quality and mark of rolled steel product being investigated are introduced.
对鞍钢钢材定尺状况做了系统调查,介绍了调查到的钢材定尺情况和钢材包装质量情况及钢材包装标志情况; chemyq

This paper describes how the remote control gunning technology was used in AISC Ironmaking Plant.
介绍了鞍钢炼铁厂应用炉衬遥控喷补技术的情况。 chemyq

This paper introduces the process and the effect of the activity of ' comparing to the standard' with PDCA cycle which has been performed in AISC Sintering Plant.
介绍了鞍钢烧结厂在这次活动中,应用 PDCA循环进行“对标”活动的过程和效果。 cnki

This paper introduces some basic work done by AISC for developing systematical energy-saving and giving full play to its overall energy-saving advantages.
本文介绍了鞍钢在开展系统节能中注重发挥整体节能功效的一些基本做法。 cnki

AISC Cinder Co. is a unit that specialized in treatment of ladles for iron and steelmaking.
鞍钢矿渣开发公司是专业处理钢铁渣罐的保产单位。 chemyq

AISC Ironmaking Plant has now10 BFs.
鞍钢炼铁厂现有10座高炉。 chemyq




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