

单词 drug rehabilitation
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The trained staff of most drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers would give their patients a brief on the importance of drug rehabilitation and the treatment procedures.
最毒品和酒精康复中心训练有素的工作人员会给患者的戒毒和治疗程序的重要性的简短。 qzdszx

Article39 If a female drug addict is pregnant or is breast-feeding her own baby that has not reached the age of one, compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation shall not be applied to her.
第三十九条怀孕或者正在哺乳自己不满一周岁婴儿的妇女吸毒成瘾的,不适用强制隔离戒毒。 xddhy

Graduates of this field can apply their knowledge to research or practice in human medicine, veterinary science, pharmaceutical manufacturing, drug rehabilitation, and other areas.
这个领域的毕业生可以把他们的知识应用于研究或者在人类医学,兽医学,制药,戒毒等其他领域中进行实践。 strong-study




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