

单词 droves
释义 droves 英d'rəʊvz美d'rəʊvz ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁶⁴⁵⁰BNC²⁷⁴⁹³Economist¹⁵⁵⁰⁶
名词 drove:
a group of animals a herd or flock moving togethera moving crowda stonemason's chisel with a broad edge for dressing stonedrove畜群
noun.large gathering
同义词 collection,company,crowd,crush,drive,flock,herd,horde,mob,multitude,pack,press,rout,run,swarm,throng Foreigners are buying British firms in droves.
大量国外资金购买英国企业。 ecocn

The educated young are leaving in droves for the warmer climate and brighter lights of Honshu.
受过教育的年轻人则离开那里前往气候更温暖,前途更加光明的本州。 ecocn

The Sahwa's representatives will be elected in droves to the provincial councils, so the Sunni Arabs should benefit from an increase in funds and power.
觉醒运动的代表们将会被大量选入省级议会,因此逊尼派阿拉伯人将会享受到资金和权力增加的好处。 ecocn

And, as reformists leave the LDP in droves, Japanese politics will enter a difficult time.
而且,改革家陆陆续续离开自民党,日本政治将会进入艰难时期。 ecocn

But smart cards and readers have become cheap and consumers now possess mobile phones in droves.
但智能卡及其读卡机已变得非常廉价,并且现在多数消费者都拥有手机。 ecocn

But while they’re adding teachers in places like South Korea, we’re laying them off in droves.
但是当他们正在增加来自某处比如韩国的老师时,我们就把他们解雇了。 yeeyan

Disappointed voters abandoned the ruling couple in droves, delivering control of Congress to the opposition in last year’s midterm elections.
大量失望的选民陆续放弃了这个夫妻搭档,在去年的中期选举中把国会的领导权交给了反对党。 ecocn

For months now, surveys have shown that Republican voters, especially conservatives, are energized about this year's election and intend to turn out in droves.
最近几个月来,调查显示,共和党选民,特别是保守派,在今年的选举中跃跃欲试,打算成群结队地去投票。 voanews

If the applications are there, so the argument goes, users will follow in droves.
只要应用软件摆在那里,尽管会有争论,用户还是会蜂拥而至。 ecocn

Misdirected marketing at such times can turn clients away in droves.
在这种时候错用营销方法可能流失大批的顾客。 ecocn

Oddly enough, Mr Arpaio seems to be stepping up his efforts just as illegal immigrants seem to be leaving in droves.
奇怪的是,正当非法入境者似乎成群结队离开时,阿尔帕约却似乎在加大打击力度。 ecocn

So why are Spaniards not switching in droves to the opposition People's Party PP?
那么西班牙人为何不陆续转而支持在野党人民党呢? ecocn

They began to stay away in droves and Underground Atlanta quickly began to go downhill.
他们许多人不再来光顾了,于是地下亚特兰大很快就开始走上了下坡路。 jukuu

This explains why college students at state universities, even though they may grouse when the state government raises tuitions by, say,10 percent, do not desert college in droves.
这就解释了为什么在州政府将学费提高——比如说10个百分点时,州立大学的大学生们尽管抱怨,也不会成群结队地弃学。 yeeyan

Traction and product market fit are customers or users buying or using your product in droves.
“吸引力”和“适应市场”是指大群消费者和用户乐于购买使用某种产品。 yeeyan

Very few civilians turned up, but police were out in droves and censors banned the word“ jasmine” from China’s micro blogs.
集会很少市民参加,但警察已成群结队出动,“茉莉花”这个词也在微博中被禁用。 ecocn

Young men and women were sent in droves to armed street demonstrations.
年轻的男人和女人都被成群的派到街上武装游行。 yeeyan




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