

单词 drops out
释义 drops out短语⁴⁷⁸⁸²
The problem is that after the guitar plays the melody, it drops out, and then the orchestra performs the line.
问题在于,当吉他演奏完旋律以后,声音消失了,然后管弦乐队接着演奏。 guitarera.com

An adopted child, he drops out of Reed College in Portland, Ore., but remembers the calligraphy classes when he designs the typography for the Macintosh.
作为人家的养子,他从奥尔良波特兰的里德学院退学,之后为 Mac机器设计字体时他靠的是学校里书法课上学到的知识。 yeeyan

And the music sometimes drops out because it’s using Wi-Fi instead of Sonos’s much more reliable, stutter-free music signal.
而且使用 WIFI传输的音乐有时会断续,因为它没有Sonos这样更可靠,流畅的音乐信号。 yeeyan

But if and when John Edwards drops out, the anti- Hillary vote will no longer be divided, and Mr Obama is the likely beneficiary.
但如果或者当约翰-爱德华兹退出竞选,反对希拉里的选民就不会再有分歧,奥巴马可能会因之受益。 ecocn

He was a hippie: who else drops out of Reed?
他曾是个嬉皮士:不然谁会从里德学院退学? yeeyan

No one slacks off. No one drops out.
没有人偷懒,也没一个人掉队。 common-talk

Once the student drops out, he or she will be disqualified from the programme.
受助学生一旦辍学,其受助资格将会自动取消。 newayforum.com

One parent, usually the mother, drops out of the workforce and devotes her life to teaching.
父母中的一位,通常是母亲,首先要放弃自己的工作,然后投身于家庭学校的教育。 ecocn

Some customers found that their reception drops out if they hold the bottom-left corner of the device.
当用户握着手机的左下角时,一些手机的天线就会掉下来。 yeeyan

This paradox explains that there seems to be a distinct lack of evidence of such communicating civilizations regardless of the final number that drops out of the bottom of the equation.
这个悖论不顾从那个方程计算得到的最终数字,而证明了目前明显缺少可沟通的外星文明存在的证据。 yeeyan

We control the vast majority the helicopter drops out in town in support of the humanitarian assistance, and we have not encountered any violence or any threats from the crowd.
我们控制着直升飞机在城镇卸下的绝大部分救援物资,支持人道主义救援,我们没有遇到任何暴力,任何威胁。 topsage

When the logic falls into these lines, it drops out of the action and returns to the browser.
当逻辑执行到这些行时,它将退出操作并返回到浏览器。 ibm

When he stoops to get the yardstick, a print cartridge drops out of his coat.
当他弯腰去捡尺子的时候,从他的外套里又掉出来一个打印机墨盒。 yeeyan

Your daughter drops out of high school to begin an in- depth exploration of controlled substances and you wonder what your friends will think about your parenting.
如果你的女儿从高中辍学,并且开始深入接触毒品,那么你会想你的朋友们会如何看待你对孩子的教育。 yeeyan




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