

单词 dropping out
释义 dropping out短语²¹⁴⁸⁵

名词 dropout:
someone who quits school before graduationsomeone who withdraws from a social group or environment The district's key strategy, though, has been placing teams of psychologists and counselors in schools like Tench Tilghman to identify the kids who are most at risk of dropping out.
学区的重要举措一直是在像坦奇蒂尔曼中学这样的学校里设置心理咨询师和辅导员团队,以甄别那些处在辍学边缘的孩子们。 yeeyan

An hour earlier, as the polls in Texas closed, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee announced that he too had called McCain and that he was dropping out of the race.
此前一小时,在德克萨斯州的投票结束后,前阿肯色州州长麦克·哈克比称他也与麦凯恩通过电话,并称自己将退出竞选。 yeeyan

One reason could be a demographic shift, with baby boomers dropping out of the workforce; if labour becomes more scarce, real wages will rise, at the expense of profit margins.
理由之一可能在于人口结构的变化,婴儿潮人士正逐渐退出劳动力市场。若劳动力逐渐稀缺,实际工资便会上升,利润率便会为此付出代价。 ecocn




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