

单词 dropping down
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At the same time, the formulas find that two main factors about cylinder speed dropping down is system leakage and loading vary.
同时由补偿公式发现液压缸速的降落主要是系统的泄漏和负载变化引起的。 fabiao

The African roll, one of the7 of 10 scenarios, involves the African Plate scraping along the Mediterranean while loosening and dropping down toward Antarctica.
第七阶段情节之一的非洲滚动,包含了非洲板块刮蹭地中海的同时松散并向南极洲下落。 blog.sina.com.cn

The exhumation mechanism of the UHP rocks is a complex dynamic process, exhumation rate dropping down with time.
超高压变质杂岩的折返机制是个复杂的动力学过程,折返速率也随时间推移而变慢。 cnki

Dropping down the drilling pressure properly to a certain value will not affect the efficiency of breaking rock.

And then— readers will feel a tremor, but he felt none— he noticed an aircraft circling, and two parachutes dropping down.
然后——读者读到这里会感觉脊背发颤,而他却麻木无觉——他注意到一个绕圈的飞机,还有两个正在下落的降落伞。 ecocn

Climbing over the walls and dropping down into the courtyard, they discovered an old woman sitting on her doorstep weeping bitterly.
他们爬过墙,跳到院子里,发现一个老大娘坐在门前的台阶上伤心地哭泣。 chinashakestheworldbook

I lied in bed sleepless, listening to the rain dropping down softly on the roof.
我躺在床上,聆听着雨滴温柔地敲着房顶,像音乐一般。 hjenglish

Meg is the turtledove, and Amy is like the lark she writes about, trying to get up among the clouds, but always dropping down into its nest again.
梅格像是斑鸠。而艾美就像她描述的云雀,想在云雾中飞行,又总是飞落回小巢。 tingroom

Sato was unable to stay in the top ten in the race, dropping down to12th after struggling with the balance of his car.
在正赛中佐藤没能保持前十的位置,在比赛中他的赛车平衡有一些问题,他最终以第12名完赛。 f1salon

To solve the problem of cable grip dropping down the borehole during the running and pulling of electric submersible pumpESP, the cable grip fisher is developed.
针对电潜泵在起、下泵作业过程中电缆卡子落井的问题,研制了电缆卡子打捞器。 dictall

We can embrace the relational database, dropping down into SQL as needed and staying above it when convenient.
我们可以包含关系数据库,需要时转入 SQL并在适当的时候退出。 ibm

When viewed from its graph, profit allocation rate is not purely rising up or dropping down, but really an undulating curve.
从分成率变化图形上看,它不只是单纯的上升或下降,而是一条波动的曲线。 cnki




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