

单词 droppers
释义 droppers ˈdrɔpəz COCA¹³⁸⁶⁵⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.使滴下的东西;点滴器dropper的名词复数原型dropper的复数 Medicine cups and medicine droppers filled the kitchen by Sunday night.
到了晚上,厨房里哪儿都是药具。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn

Analyses effect construction of the complete set of droppers precision factor thus line, temperature, wire, manufacture, installation.
分析了影响整体吊弦施工精度的因素,包括线路情况、环境温度、线材、加工、安装等方面。 dictall

Now I get only small droppers of sunshine extracted from the half hour just before sunset.
现在我只是在太阳下山前半小时稍微吸收一点阳光。 neworiental

There are many methods of drawing-in of lease rods and droppers in weaving plain and twill fabrics on Sakamoto looms. Each method has its own characteristics.
阪本自动织机在制织平纹斜纹织物时,穿绞杆和穿仃经片的方法是很多的,在各种穿法中亦各有自己的特性。 cnki

Water, Oil, and Lava fall from Droppers and bounce around the walls of the puzzle.
游戏中主要有三种液体,水,油,和岩浆。 minisoyo




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