

单词 drop
释义 drop 英drɒp美drɑpAHDdrŏp ★★★★☆常初中高四六研I牛4COCA⁷⁸¹BNC³⁸⁵⁸iWeb⁹³⁵Economist¹³⁴¹

vt. & vi. 使落下,投下

fall, descend from one line or level to another

vt. & vi. 使降低,减少,减弱

become fewer or fewer

vt. 放弃,断绝交往

stop seeing, talking about using or practising, give up

vt. 漏掉,丢掉

leave out

vt. 让人下车,卸下货物

allow sb to get out of a vehicle


very small quantity of liquid usually round or pear-shaped


very small quantity


movement from a higher to a lower level


a distance or fall straight down


sth that is dropped

a shape that is spherical and small;

he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops

beads of sweat on his forehead

a small indefinite quantity especially of a liquid;

he had a drop too much to drink

a drop of each sample was analyzed

there is not a drop of pity in that man

years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet

a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity;

a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index

there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery

a dip in prices

when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall

a steep high face of rock;

he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town

a steep drop

a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods such as drugs or stolen propertya free and rapid descent by the force of gravity;

it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height

a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenerya central depository where things can be left or picked upthe act of dropping something;

they expected the drop would be successful

let fall to the ground;

Don't drop the dishes

to fall vertically;

the bombs are dropping on enemy targets

go down in value;

Stock prices dropped

fall or descend to a lower place or level;

He sank to his knees

terminate an association with;

drop him from the Republican ticket

utter with seeming casualness;

drop a hint

stop pursuing or acting;

drop a lawsuit

knock it off!

leave or unload;

unload the cargo

drop off the passengers at the hotel

cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow;

strike down a tree

Lightning struck down the hikers

lose a game;

The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13

pay out;

spend money

lower the pitch of musical noteshang freely;

the ornaments dangled from the tree

The light dropped from the ceiling

stop associating with;

They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock

let or cause to fall in drops;

dribble oil into the mixture

get rid of;

he shed his image as a pushy boss

shed your clothes

take a drug, especially LSD, by mouth;

She dropped acid when she was a teenager

omit a letter or syllable in speaking or writing;

New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's

leave undone or leave out;

How could I miss that typo?

The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten

change from one level to another;

She dropped into army jargon

fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death;

shop til you drop

grow worse;

Her condition deteriorated

Conditions in the slums degenerated

The discussion devolved into a shouting match

give birth; used for animals;

The cow dropped her calf this morning


❌ Brown dropped into the river to find something at the bottom.


✔️ Brown dropped into the river.


drop by, drop in on

drop by和 drop in on都可表示“顺便访问”。其区别是:

drop by后常接某地; drop in on后常接某人。例如:

Drop by my place whenever you like.如果你愿意,随时可来。
I just decided to drop in on you one hour ago.我一小时前才决定来看看你。drop, descend, fall, sink


1.sink指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉; descend则通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降; 而drop与fall均可指急速地向下坠落,可直可斜。例如:

The walk descends sharply.小路下倾得很厉害。
The ship struck against the rocks and sank.那船触礁沉没了。
We saw an apple falling〔dropping〕 down from the tree yesterday.昨天我们看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。

2.drop指物体由于重力从高处往下落; fall指物体由于不明原因或物体本身失去平衡而向下降落,有自然下落的意思。例如:

She dropped the cup.她把杯子弄掉了。
Leaves fall in autumn.秋天树叶下落。

3.drop通常是有意识、有目的地下落; 而fall则往往是无意识地下落。例如:

The enemy planes dropped bombs.敌机投下了炸弹。
Rain is falling fast.雨下得很大。

4.drop引申可表示物价的降落; sink还可指精力或意识逐渐丧失。例如:

The price of oil has dropped sharply.石油价格暴跌。
His heart sank.他感到沮丧。

5.drop一般用作及物动词,偶尔也用作不及物动词; fall则通常用作不及物动词。

drop in, call, see, visit


1.从语气上说:visit是正式用语; call比较正式; drop in则是日常用语,有“顺便”“不定期”的意味; see一般用于亲友间的访问。例如:

The foreign delegation is visiting in Beijing.外国代表团正在北京访问。
The Britain Ambassador called on Premier Zhou Enlai yesterday.英国大使昨天拜会了周恩来总理。
He sometimes drops in to see me in the evening.他有时晚上来看我。
I'll go to see my parents tomorrow.明天我要去看望父母。


I visited〔called〕 on the foreign guests yesterday.昨天我走访了外国客人。
In China, restaurant and hotel kitchens are visited〔called〕 on regularly by officers of public health.在中国,卫生人员经常检查饭店和旅馆的厨房。
The doctor is out.He went to visit an emergency case.医生不在。他有急病号,出诊去了。


I shall call on you this afternoon.今天下午我去拜访您。
When he visited us last year he told us a story every evening.去年他来我们这儿作客时,每晚都给 我们讲一个故事。


5.社交场合用的“名片”英美说法不同。美国称calling card,英国称visiting card。

下面两句意思相反:He dropped the habit of smoking.他改掉了抽烟的习惯。
He dropped into the habit of smoking.他恋上了抽烟。descend,drop,fall,sink






英语drop, droop和drip是紧密的“宗亲”关系。日耳曼语drup-,在古斯堪的纳维亚语中派生出drupa,是英语droop的词源;drup-在中古丹麦语中派生出drippe,是英语drip的词源;drup-的变体drop-,在古英语中为dropa,是英语drop的词源。
搭配:the drop/fall in prices 物价下跌同源词:droop, drip
用作动词 v.
~+名词drop a bunch of …掉下〔摘下〕drop a course退修一门课程drop a letter from a word单词中漏掉一个字母drop a line垂钓drop a lot of money at a race在竞赛中输了不少钱drop a purse丢失钱包drop a stitch使编织跳了一针drop a subject放弃一个科目drop anchor抛锚drop coin投硬币drop idea打消想法drop line写信drop one's eyes低头看drop one's name不再谈自己的名字drop one's name from the list名单中丢掉了某人的名字drop one's opponent in the first round第一轮回合把对手击倒drop one's package丢失包裹drop one's umbrella把雨伞掉了drop one's voice放低声音drop plan放弃计划drop sb a hint给某人以暗示drop sb a postcard寄给某人一张明信片drop sb a short note寄给某人一封短信drop sb a valuable suggestion给某人提出一个有价值的建议drop sb a word〔remarks〕给某人捎个话drop shells into a town向城内射炮弹drop the baby使小孩跌下drop the bad habit改掉坏毛病drop the ball through the basket投篮命中drop the discussion放弃讨论drop the letter into the pillar box把信投入信箱drop the matter不再谈这事drop the project放弃这工程drop the supplies from the plane从飞机上投下供给品drop the teapot掉了茶壶drop water into a glass滴水于杯中~+副词drop astern落在他船后面drop downstream顺流而下drop accidentally意外落下drop alarmingly令人惊恐地落〔降下〕drop badly大大地落下drop carelessly粗心地掉下drop gently轻轻地落下,缓缓地落下drop heavily重重地掉下drop lazily懒洋洋地,放弃drop listlessly无精打采地低下头drop methodically井井有条地降落drop miraculously奇迹般地降落drop mournfully令人沮丧地低下了头,令人沮丧的放弃drop overnight夜间降下来drop perpendicularly垂直下落drop quietly悄悄地落下drop recently最近下落drop sharply急速地下落drop significantly降落〔放弃,击落〕…是有意义的drop slightly有些下降drop slowly缓慢地降落drop substantially实实在在地落下drop suddenly突然下落drop swiftly迅速下落drop tearfully可怕地掉下drop away一滴一滴地漏掉,陆陆续续离开,散去drop back后退,后撤,恢复drop back into the old habit恢复旧习惯drop behind后退,后撤,恢复drop by顺便走访,偶然拜访drop down扔下,卧倒drop in顺便走访,偶然拜访drop in any time随时串门drop off一滴一滴地漏掉,陆陆续续离开,散去,衰落,减少,下降,掉下,脱落,睡着drop out弃权,放弃,取消,不参加,从…中掉出,脱离drop out from school中途停学drop out of从…退出,从…消失drop out of hand从手里落下drop out of school退学drop out of sight从视线内消失drop over顺便走访,偶然拜访drop round顺便走访,偶然拜访drop through崩溃,失败~+介词drop across偶然遇到,训斥,惩罚drop sb at…让某人在…下车drop behind others落在别人后面drop behind the other runners落在其他跑步者的后面drop from a race退出比赛drop from heaven从天上掉下来drop from the list从名单上除去drop from tree从树上掉下来drop into使落入,投入,偶然进去,顺便进入,不知不觉地养成某习惯,训斥drop into sleep不知不觉地睡着drop into the water落入水中drop on the floor掉在地上drop on the ground撂〔抛〕在地上drop on〔to〕 one's knees跪下drop to落到,减少到,降低到drop to the floor落在地板上drop to the ground卧倒在地上drop to the lowest point降到最低点drop through投〔命〕中drop with a blow一拳把某人打倒drop with fatigue累得快要倒下用作名词 n.动词+~absorb a drop吸收水珠add drops加上几滴水add a drop of sth to…给…加上一点滴剂administer drop用药水dispense a drop酒药水distil in drops滴下水珠,渗出水珠draw off drop放掉水珠drink a drop喝点酒dry drops把水珠弄干exude a drop渗出水珠fall in drops一滴一滴地落下form a drop形成一个水珠〔滴〕give off drops排出水滴,分离出水滴have a drop in one's eye略带醉意have a drop of pity有一点怜悯之心instill drops滴下水滴leak in large drops渗出大水珠mix with drops用水滴和〔配制〕moisten with drop用水滴润湿prepare a drop准备一点酒〔一滴药水、一块糖〕put drops in one's eyes将眼药水滴入眼内save a drop节省每一滴水shed a drop流下一滴shower drops倾注spill a drop流下一滴squeeze a drop榨出一滴水sweat large drops冒出豆粒大的汗珠take a drop喝点酒take one's drops狂饮take ten drops喝十滴药welcome a drop in prices欢迎物价下降wipe away drops擦掉水滴wear crystal drops on one's ears戴水晶耳坠形容词+~decided drop明显的下降mere drop仅一滴sharp drop急剧下降sudden drop突然下降acid drop酸味糖果beady drop多泡的酒bitter drop苦酒blistering drop起的水泡burning drop燃烧着的落物continuous drop邻近降落concealed drop冻结的水珠cough drop止咳糖falling drop落下的水珠foolish drop愚蠢的下跌fresh drop新鲜的酒,新近的跌价glittering drop闪光的水珠great drops大滴insolent drop无礼的降落large drops大滴minute drop小滴mournful drop令人惋惜的下跌needle-like drop似针状的落下pearly drop珍珠般的滴状物priceless drop宝贵耳坠ruddy drop红色的滴剂small drops小滴the last drop最后一滴名词+~birth rate drop出生率的下降coughing drop咳嗽糖dew drops露球ear drops滴耳药水eye drops眼药水friction drop摩擦压力下降fruit drops水果糖gravity drop受重力作用而下降injection drop喷嘴下降lemon drops柠檬糖果mail drop邮筒nose drops滴鼻剂pressure drop压力差,压力下降temperature drop温差~+名词drop arch垂拱drop arm转向垂臂drop bar接地棒drop bottom活底drop cloth罩布drop curtain舞台前的垂幕drop door炉门,升降门drop lamp上下移动的吊灯drop light上下滑动的吊灯drop point点滴,下降点drop scene景幕drop window窗门可以滑进窗框下空间的窗户介词+~at the drop of a hat一有机会就,动不动就,马上fall in drops滴落roll off in great drops大滴大滴滚下来empty to the last drop喝净fight to the last drop血战到底with the drop in production由于生产下降~+介词drop by drop一滴一滴地,一点一点地a drop from sth …中的…滴a drop in the bucket沧海一粟a drop of kindness一丝仁慈a drop of water一滴水a sharp drop to the lake向湖边斜下去的陡坡
drop across¹ v.+adv.

〈非正〉串门 come across to visit

drop acrossDrop across and have coffee sometime.有空来串门,一块儿喝咖啡。
drop across² v.+prep.

偶遇 find (sth or meet sb by chance)

drop across sbI dropped across Little Tom yesterday.昨天我偶然遇见小汤姆。
I dropped across her in Shanghai last month.上月我在上海偶然碰到了她。
drop away v.+adv.

减少,下降 become less

drop back v.+adv.

落在后面 fail to maintain speed and be left behind

drop back to sthThe hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.他甩出去的钩子没挂住石头,又落回到地面。drop back to sthHe has dropped back to the fifth in his class.他在班内名次退居第五。drop backProduction has dropped back.生产下降了。
The unemployment figures dropped back last month.上月的失业人数减少了。
The American runner had decided to drop back and let somebody else take the lead.这位美国赛跑运动员决定放慢速度,让另外一个人领先。drop sth ⇔ backShe dropped the letter back in the drawer.她把信放回抽屉里。drop backThe car that had been in the second position dropped back with engine trouble.原先处在第二位的那辆赛车由于发动机发生故障而落在了后面。
drop behind¹ v.+adv.

落后 fall in disadvantage

drop behindOur team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday.我们队由于三分之一的队员在度假因而在联赛上落后了。
drop behind² v.+prep.

落后于 fall in disadvantage of

drop behind sb/sthIn terms of annual production, the country has dropped behind the rest of Europe.在年产量方面,这个国家落后于欧洲其他国家。
She dropped behind the other students.她落在其他学生的后面。
The young couple dropped behind the rest of the party.这对年轻人落在了他人的后头。
The old man dropped behind the rest.那位老人落在他人后面。
drop by v.+adv.

顺便来访 visit informally

drop byWe were just going out when Uncle Sam dropped by.我们正要出去,萨姆叔叔来了。
I don't think he just dropped by.He came on purpose.我想他不是顺便坐坐,而是特意来访。
Drop by any time when you're in town.你再来城里时请随时来看看我们。
Next time you come to town, please drop by to see me.你下次来城里,千万得来看我!
Drop by one evening.下次晚上过来坐会儿吧。drop sth ⇔ byOn her way back, she dropped by her brother's house.在回家途中,她顺便到弟弟家看看。
We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn't.我们在俱乐部停了一下看看比尔在不在里面,可他不在那里。
drop down v.+adv.

突然松开 release suddenly, intensive of drop

drop downThe fruit has begun to drop down.水果开始落地。
The monkeys dropped down from the trees.猴子突然从树上蹦下来。
After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.飞机坠毁后旁观者说飞机是突然从天上掉下来的。
She dropped down into an armchair, exhausted.她筋疲力尽地倒在扶手椅上。drop sth ⇔ downShe dropped the bag down and he caught it.她突然松开提包,叫他给抓住了。
drop in v.+adv.

〈非正〉愿意参加,愿意接受 like to fall in some activities

drop inLook who's just dropping in!看,谁来了!
They often drop in for coffee.他们常来串门喝咖啡。
Drop in to see us any time if you're in town.你在城里时就来串门吧。
Do drop in if you happen to be passing!碰巧从这边过时进来坐坐。
They often drop in for tea.他们常来喝茶。drop in on sbThe Smiths dropped in on some old friends on their vacation trip to New York.史密斯一家去纽约度假时拜访了一些老朋友。drop sth ⇔ inWhile they're playing scene two in front of the curtain, we can drop in the scenery for the next act.他们在幕前演第二场时,我们可以放下下一幕的布景。drop in on sb/sthThe roof of the cave dropped in on the miners, trapping them.窑洞的顶部坍了下来,砸在矿工身上。drop sth ⇔ inHe stopped at the mail-box and dropped the letter in.他在信筒前停了下来,把信投了进去。
When the library is closed, you can drop books in through the special hole in the door.图书馆关门后,你可以把书从门上专设的小口中投进去。drop inThe organization has asked the city council for more money for the drug treatment centre, where so many young people are dropping in.该组织请求市议会拨给戒毒中心更多的款,因为到这里来的年轻人非常多。
drop into v.+prep.

顺便去某地,跳入 go to a place casually

drop into sthI often drop into the store for some daily necessities.我常光顾那家小店买些日用品。
He dropped into the garden.他跳入花园。drop sth into sthShe dropped some lemon juice into her tea.她在茶中滴了些柠檬汁。
He dropped the letter into the pillar box.他把信丢进邮筒内。
drop off v.+adv.

减少 become less

drop offThe handle of the door has dropped off.门把手脱落了。drop offThe film was so boring that Helen kept dropping off.这部影片非常无聊,所以海伦一直在睡觉。
Jimmy was thinking of his birthday party as he dropped off to sleep.吉米想着想着他的生日晚会就睡着了。
Drink this and you'll soon drop off.喝下这个,你很快就会入睡的。drop sb/sth ⇔ offI can drop you off on my way home.我回家可以顺便送你。
We can drop you off at your place on our way home.我们回家顺路就能送你到家。
I wonder if you could drop me off at the bank?不知道你能不能让我在银行门口下车?
Can you drop off my coat at the dry cleaner's on your way?你能顺路把我的外衣送到干洗店去吗?
He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.他说他要在邮局寄一个包裹。drop offInterest in the book has dropped off.对这本书的兴趣降低了。
Business picked up in the stores during December, but dropped off again after Christmas.商店的生意在12月份的时候有所增加,但圣诞节之后又冷清下来。
The audiences for films have dropped off.看电影的人数减少。
His friends dropped off one by one.他的朋友一个个离去。
The doctor's practice has dropped off.这医生的病人越来越少了。
drop on v.+prep.

挑中,选中 pick upon; come down upon

drop out v.+adv.

掉出 fall out

drop outMy brother dropped out at the end of the second year of his junior middle school.我哥哥念完初中二年级就休学了。
Tony dropped out after the club's new manager arrived.俱乐部的新经理来了之后托尼就退出了。
Three of the runners dropped out.三位赛跑的人弃权。drop out of sthThey dropped out of the team.他们退出了球队。
She has dropped out of college.她已退学。drop outThe window was open, and the pot just dropped out.窗户开着,花盆就掉了出去。drop out of sthThe teapot dropped out of her hand.茶壶从她手中落了下来。
drop over v.+adv.

顺便拜访 visit unexpectedly and informally

drop overDrop over and see me sometime.顺便来看看我吧。
drop round v.+adv.

顺便访问 pay a short casual visit

drop roundCan I drop round to see you later?以后我路过时能来拜访您吗?
drop through v.+adv.

〈非正〉毫无结果,落空,失败 come to nothing, be no longer discussed

drop throughThe plan dropped through when it proved too costly.付出了那么多的努力,这计划还是失败了。
That matter will drop through.那事将不再讨论。
let drop v.+v.

暗示 hint

let drop sthI didn't let drop a word to him about my plan.关于我的计划我没有暗示给他一个字。
He let drop the suggestion that we should meet him in town.他暗示我们应该到小城去见见他。let drop that-clauseQuite unexpectedly Paul let drop that he was thinking of retiring in China.不可思议的是保罗暗示他正在考虑从中国撤退。用作名词n.a drop in the bucket

沧海一粟,杯水车薪 a quantity too small to make any improvement

a drop to

通向…的陡坡 a steep slope to

at the drop of a hat

毫不迟疑地,一有机会就 without delay, hesitation or good expect

get the drop on

对…先发制人 act faster than another

have〔take〕 a drop too much of

多喝了一杯酒( drink too much)

in drops

一滴一滴地 very small quantity of

故事记忆教堂旁的 Shop商店大声播放 Pop流行音乐美味红烧 Chop排骨口水像要 Drop滴下无奈没钱 Shop买东西抢盘朝外 Hop跳跃越过绊脚 Mop拖把猛地撞上 Bishop主教被抓交给 Cop警察非常记忆dr大人+op藕片⇒大人吃藕片时在上面滴了水近义词 dripfallsinkslipslumptrickledropletdeclinedecreasereductionv. dribbleslumpn. drip反义词n. gob
S+~+AThe apple blossoms are beginning to drop.苹果树上的花开始落了。
A gentle rain dropped yesterday morning.昨天上午下了一场小雨。
The hinges of this door seem to have dropped slightly.这门的铰链好像有些下坠。
Our boat gently dropped.我们的小船顺流缓缓而下。
Prices dropped.物价下跌了。
The price of home electric appliances dropped last year.去年家用电器的价钱降下来了。
In that country, steel output dropped further this year.在那个国家,钢产量今年进一步下降了。
Production costs dropped 5.5 percent last year.去年的生产成本下降5.5%。
They worked until they drop.他们干到体力不支时才停止。
I feel ready to drop.我感到要累垮了。
She expects every one to work till they drop.她指望每个人都拼命工作。
The stock market dropped today.证券市场今日处于呆滞状态。
The use of this drug has dropped.这种药物已停止使用。
Dew had fallen heavily since the wind had dropped.风已停息,露水更浓了。
S+~+ n./pron.She dropped her baby.她把孩子掉在地上。
The wet leaves are dropping water.湿漉漉的叶子在滴水。
She dropped the teapot.她把茶壶弄掉了。
You've dropped your handkerchief.你的手帕掉在地上了。
She dropped her glasses and broke them.她不小心把眼镜掉在地上摔碎了。
The enemy plane dropped several bombs and flew away.敌机投下几枚炸弹,然后飞走了。
The motorist dropped his speed.摩托车手放慢了速度。
I dropped my umbrella last night.昨夜我把伞丢了。
He dropped his watch in the bathroom.他把手表丢在洗澡间了。
The postman has dropped a letter here.邮递员掉了一封信在这里。
I'm driving your way so I may drop you at the station.我可以开车顺路把你载到车站。
We dropped the plan because of the lack of support.因为得不到支持,我们取消了这个计划。
Let's drop the formalities, call me Mike.咱别讲客套,叫我迈克好了。
She wants to drop Russian after she learned it over a month.她学了一个多月俄语后便想停学了。
They have already dropped the project.他们已放弃这个项目。
Since you are not interested in the discussion,I'll drop it.既然你们对讨论不感兴趣,我就放弃它。
He dropped teaching and took up business.他已弃教从商。
Don't drop the period at the end of a sentence.句尾别漏了句号。
The boss dropped ten men on Sunday.老板星期天解雇了10个人。
The boss dropped her from the staff at the end of the year.年底老板把她解雇了。
He has dropped all his old friends.他抛弃了所有的老朋友。
I hear they have dropped over 2000 yuan on the deal.我听说他们这笔交易亏了2000多元。
It must have been Mary who had dropped the rumours!散布流言的一定是玛丽!
The minister was dropped for last year's harvest failure.那位部长因去年歉收而被解雇。
Those who do not pay the club fee will be dropped from the membership.那些不交俱乐部费的人将被取消会员资格。
If he tells you the case will be dropped, it will be dropped.他要说这案子会了结,那就将会了结。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Drop me a line when you get there.到那儿后给我来封信。
He dropped his teacher a postcard.他给他老师寄了张明信片。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.He never dropped the smallest hint to you or any of your family?他从未向你或你家里的任何人透露过一点点口风吗?用作名词n.Many drops make a shower.雨滴一多就形成阵雨。
Drops of rain began to fall.开始掉雨点了。
There is not a drop left.一滴都不剩了。
He emptied the glass to the last drop.他喝干了这一杯,一滴不留。
They were determined to defend the land to the last drop of their blood.他们决心誓死保卫这块土地,直到流尽最后一滴血。
The doctor put drops into my eyes to dilate the pupils.医生在我的眼睛里滴了一些药水,扩大瞳孔。
Take six drops every three hours.每三个小时喝六滴药。
He likes to eat chocolate drops.他喜欢吃巧克力糖球。
The pipe has leaked in large drops.管道渗出大水珠。
I'll try a drop, then.那么我尝一点儿。
Add a drop of salt to the soup.汤内加点盐。
Add a drop of tobacco and mix well.加一点烟草,把它混匀。
“Would you like some more milk?”“Just a drop please.”“你还要牛奶吗?”“要一点。”
Show her a drop of kindness.对她稍微和蔼一点。
She has a drop of pity.她有点怜悯心。
It's about a 20-meter drop to the ground.落差大约20米。
The waterfall makes a sheer drop of one thousand feet.瀑布从1000英尺的高度直泻而下。
We watched the drop of the parachutists from the plane.我们看着伞兵从飞机上降落下来。
The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.生活费的下降和工农业产品价格的下降有着密切关系。
We really welcome a drop in prices.我们确实欢迎物价下降。
There was a steep drop in living standards.生活水平骤降。
The General Motors Corporation had reported a sharp drop in profits on Tuesday.通用汽车公司曾在星期二报告说该公司的利润急剧下降。
There was a sudden drop in temperature this morning.今天早晨气温突然下降了。
A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the temperature.冷风使温度急降。
Drops of supplies are being made to villages still cut off by the snow.目前正向大雪隔绝的村庄空投生活用品。Pdropwise滴加Pdewdropn.露水Pdrop-down下拉Pdropletn.小滴Peyedropn.眼泪Pdrop-jaw颌下垂Pair-dropvt.空投Pdroplightn.吊灯Pdropsn.药水滴剂Pdroppage扣回款项Peardropsn.耳药水Peyedroppern.滴管Pdrop-finger指下垂Pdrop-method垂滴法Pdrop-shoulder垂肩Pdroppable可抛弃的Peardropn.耳环耳坠Pdrop-heart心脏下垂Pdrop-offn.下降减少Pdropax沥青脱毛硬膏Pdroperidol氟哌利多Pdropkickn.踢反弹球Praindropn.雨滴雨点Pbomb-droppingn.投弹Pdropacism硬膏脱毛法Pletter-dropn.投信口Peavesdroppingn.偷听Pairdropn.空投vt.空投Pbackdropn.背景幕背景Pdrop-culture悬滴培养Pdrop-in冒\\1\\混入信息Peyedrops眼药水滴眼剂Psnowdropn.雪花莲宪兵Peavesdroppern.偷听者Pdrop-out漏失信息丢\\1\\Pdroppern.滴管落下的人Pdroppingsn.禽兽的粪便Pgumdropn.橡皮糖甜姐儿Pparadropn.空投vt.空投Prose-dropn.一种皮肤病Pwristdrop腕下垂手垂症Pdroppingn.点滴滴下落下Plemon-dropn.柠檬水果糖Pteardropn.泪珠泪珠状物Pdrop-burette滴量-滴定管Pmultidrop多站多点多分支Pdropoutn.退学学生中途退学Pdrip-dropn.不断的滴滴滴答答Peavesdropv.偷听n.屋檐水偷听Pfree-dropn.自由空投vt.自由空投Pname-dropvi.说出高官和名人以抬高身价Pnamedropvi.言谈中常提到知名人士以吹嘘自己Pname-droppingn.提到知名人物以示相识而提高自己身价的行为






在美式英语中, drop可表示“解雇”“开除”,在美国口语中, drop还可表示“亏空,输钱”。

drop可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后可接名词或代词作宾语; 作“不经意地说出或暗示”“寄信给某人”解时可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。





drop解释为“投寄”时,指比较随意投的意思。I dropped a letter to him this morning.

drop in 有“偶然访问拜访”的意思,后面接on或upon后再跟somebody。

He dropped in/upon on him yesterday.昨天他偶然去摆放了他家。

let drop表示“暗示”,在这里drop是不定式,可以跟that从句。

Quite unexpectedly Sam let drop that he was thinking of leaving.非常出乎意料的是,山姆暗示他想离开。
用作及物动词Shedroppedto safety from the burning building.她从失火的建筑物上坠落到安全的地方.
Hedroppedoff from his bike.他从自行车上跌下来。
In the winter the temperature oftendropsbelow freezing.冬天的时候,温度往往会降到冰点以下。
I decided todropchemistry and take biology instead.我决定放弃化学,改学生物。
You havedroppedan “f” in your spelling of the word “different”.你拼写“different”这个词的时候漏掉了一个“f”。
Will youdropyour old friends if you accomplish both success and fame?如果你功成名就,你会同你的老朋友们断绝来往吗?用作名词Unconsciously, adropof tear drips on his lips.不知不觉,一滴泪水滴在他唇上。
I'll have a weedropof cream in my coffee.我要在咖啡里放一丁点儿奶油。
As the course becomes more difficult, there's usually a correspondingdropof the number of students.随着课程逐渐变难,上课的学生人数也相应减少了。noun.single globule of liquid;small amount of anything
同义词 bead,bit,bubble,crumb,dab,dash,dewdrop,driblet,drip,droplet,iota,molecule,morsel,nip,ounce,particle,pearl,pinch,sip,smidgen,speck,splash,spot,taste,tear,teardrop,trace,trickle
反义词 glob,lotmoundnoun.steep decline;hole
同义词 dip,fall,plunge,tumbleabyss,chasm,declivity,deepness,depth,descent,precipice,slope
反义词 ascent,increase,risenoun.decrease
同义词 cut,decline,deterioration,dip,downturn,fall,reduction,slide,slump,tumbledescent,downfall,downswing,landslide,lapse,lowering,precipitation,sag,slip,upsetdownslide,downtrend,fall-off
反义词 ascent,betterment,improvement,increase,riseverb.fall in globules
同义词 bead,bleed,distill,drain,dribble,drip,emanate,hail,leak,ooze,percolate,precipitate,seep,snow,splash,trickle
反义词 deluge,downpour,flood,pourverb.let go of;fall
同义词 abandon,collapse,decline,dive,dump,fell,give up,go down,knock,lower,plummet,plunge,release,shed,shoot,sink,slide,slip,slump,tumbledepress,descend,duck,floor,flop,ground,loosen,pitch,plump,relinquish,topple,unloadbring down,cave in,keel over,nose-dive
反义词 ascend,go up,hold,keep,maintain,raise,risemount,take upverb.abandon;ignore
同义词 cancel,end,give up,leave,lose,stopabort,adios,cease,desert,discontinue,dismiss,disown,ditch,divorce,forfeit,forsake,interrupt,jilt,kick,quit,reject,relinquish,remit,renounce,repudiate,resign,sacrifice,scratch,scrub,separate,shake,terminatebe alienated from,break with,call off,cast off,dust off,eighty-six,forget about,have done with,part from,part with,throw over,wash out,waste one,wipe out,write off
反义词 continue,keep,maintain,start,holdpursue,take up
abandonverb leave behind, relinquish
abdicate,back out,bail out,bow out,chicken out,cop out,cut loose,desert,discard,discontinue,ditch,drop out,duck,dump,dust,flake out,fly the coop,give up the ship,kiss goodbye,leave,leg it,let go,opt out,pull out,quit,run out on,screw,ship out,stop,storm out,surrender,take a powder,take a walk,throw over,vacate,walk out on,wash hands of,withdraw,yield
abdicateverb give up a right, position, or power
abandon,abjure,abnegate,bag it,bail out,cede,demit,drop,forgo,give up,leave,leave high and dry,leave holding the bag,leave in the lurch,opt out,quit,quitclaim,relinquish,renounce,resign,retire,sell out,step down,surrender,vacate,waive,withdraw,yield
abortverb stop or cancel something
arrest,break off,call it quits,call off,check,cut off,drop,end,fail,halt,interrupt,knock it off,lay off,nullify,scrap,scratch,scrub,terminate
anchorverb hold, be held securely
attach,berth,catch,dock,drop,fasten,fix,imbed,make port,moor,plant,secure,stay,tie,tie up
anchoringverb hold, be held securely
attaching,berthing,catching,docking,dropping,fastening,fixing,imbedding,making port,mooring,planting,securing,staying,tying,tying up
anticlimaxnoun ineffective conclusion
bathos,comedown,decline,descent,disappointment,drop,letdown,slump Absent some catastrophe, the food prices should soon drop.

Additionally, you can drop procedures and functions or view the cataloged source code for them for further editing.
此外,您可以删除过程和函数,或查看它们的编目源代码,以进一步进行编辑。 ibm

Be loyal and trustworthy. If friends know they can depend on you, they will not drop you.
待人忠诚可靠:如果朋友知道他们可以依赖你,他们就不会跟你断绝关系。 yeeyan

But its own figures show a drop of almost half in the cocaine seized between2005 and2010.
然而该国自己的数据显示,2005年到2010年间截获的可卡因数量降低了近一半。 ecocn

But our level of attentiveness tends to drop off over time.
但我们专注的水平随着时间推移而逐渐降低。 yeeyan

Drag and drop some or all of the navigation files to positions in the navigation template.
将部分或全部导航文件拖放到这个导航模板的相关位置。 ibm

First, drop“ Indeed” because it adds nothing.
首先,去掉“确实”,因为它毫无用处。 yeeyan

From there charter a small plane to drop you in a jungle settlement or beach village.
从那里租用一架小型飞机,将你空投到丛林定居点,或海滨村庄。 yeeyan

He must then either find another team that will take him on or drop the course.
在此之后,他必须寻找另一个小组并加入其中,或者中断这一课程的学习。 ibm

He wanted to drop you into the story as if1933 is now.
他要的是将你带到这个故事里,仿佛现在就是1933年。 yeeyan

If you drop something into the track, please contact the station staff.
如果您有东西掉下轨道,请与车站工作人员联系。 ebigear




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