

单词 drooped
释义 droop·ed 英druːp美druːp COCA³⁶⁴⁷³BNC²⁸¹⁶⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a shape that sags;

there was a sag in the chair seat

droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautnesshang loosely or laxly;

His tongue lolled

become limp;

The flowers wilted

aileron droop副翼下垂bearing droop轴承下倾beam droop波束下垂pulse droop脉冲顶倾斜,脉顶倾斜…droop setter不等率调整装置…droop nose下垂机头droop correction固定偏差校正,下垂度…droop snoot前缘襟翼speed droop速度降低,降速…
近义词 bow弓flag旗up向上give给swag赃物sag下垂heart心sink下沉tire轮胎hang悬挂fail失败lose丢失pine松树lower低的dangle摇晃subside沉没despair绝望decline下降despond沮丧descent下降give up放弃fade逐渐消失wear out穿破drowse打瞌睡wilt(使)枯萎hang down阴茎slump大幅度下跌wither枯萎,干枯languish衰弱无力flop啪嗒啪嗒地动…tire out使筋疲力尽lose heart丧失勇气weaken使 … 弱,削弱…slouch没精打采的样子…loll懒洋洋地呆着、坐或站着…

用作动词She sat there with her headdrooping.她垂着头坐在那儿。
She was so tired, her eyelids were beginning todroop.她太疲倦了,眼睑开始往下垂。
The crops weredroopingfor want of water.农作物缺水枯萎了。
His spiritsdroopedafter he failed the exam.在考试没能及格之后,他精神就萎靡了。用作名词In thedroopof her lip there was something sensuous.在她那下垂的嘴唇上的确有点儿敏感的意味。verb.(hang down;languish
同义词 dangle,sag,slouch,wilt,witherbend,decline,depress,diminish,drop,fade,fail,faint,flag,lean,loll,lop,settle,sink,sling,slump,subside,suspend,weakenfall down,let down
反义词 bloom,ascend,complete,continue,finish,grow,improve,increase,rise,straighten,strengtheninflate His shoulders drooped with tiredness.

The bird drooped his wings.

The branches of the tree drooped after the heavy rain.

The flag drooped because there was no wind.
因为没风,所以旗子垂了下来。 sparke

The flowers drooped in the heat of the sun.

While the other coats drooped, this one looked as if it were holding itself up.
其他的大衣都显得没精打采,惟独这件衣服趾高气扬。 hxen

Aunt Polly had drooped into a settled melancholy, and her gray hair had grown almost white.
波莉阿姨已经转入了无言的深愁,她那灰色的头发几乎都变白了。 jukuu

Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side of the kitchen chair, grinned and turned to Harry.
达力太胖了,屁股都从厨房椅子的两边耷拉下来,坏笑着转向哈利。 hlgnet

He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun.
他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。 yeeyan

He said less and drooped more than ever.
他比以前更少说话,更加消沉。 xddhy

Her lashes, long and shadowy, drooped carefully over her baby-like eyes.
她有着长长的睫毛,小心地低垂着,遮着她那孩子般的眼睛。 tianya

His head drooped sadly.

His head drooped down and a few minutes later he fell asleep.
他低垂着脑袋,一会儿工夫就睡着了。 hotdic

His mouth drooped sadly, pulled down, no doubt, by the plump weight.
他的嘴角悲伤地下垂,无疑地, 是被颊上肥胖。 freetcp

In a moment her eyes grew moist, and her glance drooped to the ground.
不一会儿,她的眼睛湿润了,目光垂到了地上。 hjenglish

Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully, but the little dog just drooped, whining and miserable.
吉姆晚上诚心诚意地带着吉吉出去散步,但小狗总是无精打采的,呜呜叫着,无限凄凉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Oil prices spiked at more than$147 in July, but fell by more than two-thirds as the world economy drooped.
在七月份达到超过147美元后,油价随着世界经济的下滑而跌去超过了三分之二。 ecocn

She drooped her head for shame.

Since then bookings have drooped.
自那以后,客房预订量下滑。 ecocn

The main- sail hung drooped like a banner.
主帆像一面旗子耷拉着。 eduzhai

The eagle drooped its wings.

The flowers drooped down to the ground, because of the heat.
由于太热,那些花都软弱无力地躺在地上。 hotdic

The threat level for British flights to the US has drooped from severe to high.
英国飞往美国的飞机的威胁程度,从最近严重到高。 putclub

Their spirits drooped as they watched their team lose.

Those flowers drooped soon for want of water.

Upstairs, in the newly renovated balcony, guests drooped against the rails and fanned themselves.
楼上,在新装修的阳台上,宾客们一扫阴霾,开始自娱自乐起来。 yeeyan




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