

单词 driven back
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Outnumbered Unionists held on until late afternoon, when they were driven back through town to Cemetery Hill and Culps Hill, a mile south of the village.
大批的联邦军队直到傍晚黄昏还在坚守集结,他们退守到通往墓地岭和寇普岭的小镇,一个南部1英里处的村庄。 yeeyan

The efforts of the British Empire were successfully driven back at least4 times.
大英帝国被成功击退了4词。 yeeyan

The enemy was driven back.

The meeting lasted about an hour, after which she was driven back to her lakeside residence.
会谈持续了大约一个小时,之后她被送返她的湖边居所。 yeeyan

Then around25 minutes later the newlyweds emerged and again waved to the crowds before being driven back to the castle for the blessing and the reception.
大约25分钟后,这对新婚夫妇走出温莎市政厅并向人群挥手,他们要乘汽车去温莎堡接受“赐福仪式”。 edu.sina.com.cn

Across the Atlantic lay other cultures that might, given more unity and less trust, have driven back the future invaders from Europe.
穿过大西洋,有一些其他的文明,如果它们更团结排外一点,很可能在后来将欧洲侵略者赶回老家。 putclub

Her thoughts were instantly driven back to the time when Mr. Bingley's name had been last mentioned between them; and if she might judge from his complexion, his mind was not very differently engaged.
她立刻回想到他们俩上一次提到彬格莱时的情形;从他的脸色看来,他心里这时候也在想着上一回的情形。 hjenglish

One rebel commander claimed that Gadhafi loyalists were being driven back into an increasingly smaller pocket of territory inside Sirte.
一名反对派指挥官坚称,在苏尔特,效忠卡扎菲的战斗人员被驱赶到越来越小的范围内。 voanews

Ouattara's forces tried to breach the presidential palace Wednesday to remove him forcibly but were driven back.
周三,瓦塔拉的军队试图攻进总统府,强制巴博撤退,但却被击退。 blog.sina.com.cn

Over the next weeks, groups of men tried to drag him to Sweden but were driven back, and they had to shelter him again in holes in the ice.
接下来的几周里,一拨一拨的人想把巴尔斯路德带回瑞典但都无功而返,他们不得不又他隐蔽到洞穴中。 yeeyan

They were driven back by rubber bullets and tear gas, but sporadic protests have continued and tensions remain high.
在橡皮子弹和催泪弹夹击下,他们被击退,但是仍有零星的抗议者,紧张气氛仍在蔓延。 ecocn

To produce the pumping action, it contains pistons that are driven back and forth, or rotating vanes.
要生产泵动作用,它包括往复运动的活塞或旋转叶片。 bjqxxx




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