

单词 drived
释义 drived draɪv BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
vt.赶;撵;驱驱逐;迫使…后退常与 away;off;back 等连用
Sucker rod of surface- drived screw pump system is horizontally deformed in the course of transmit torque, causing friction between sucker rod and inner-wall of tubing.
地面驱动螺杆泵采油系统的抽油杆柱,在传递扭矩过程中会产生较大的横向挠曲变形,使抽油杆柱与油管内壁发生摩擦。 cnki

The emergence and the development of the modern wireless sensor network were drived by the improvement of sensor technology, micro- electro-mechanical system and wireless communication.
传感器技术、微机电系统和无线通信等技术的进步,推动了具有现代意义的无线传感器网络的产生和发展。 cnki

Wire draw—in drived by Z4 direct current or the frequency conversion motor, equip with the fourth speed gear speed changing, and the friction clutch, be able to adapt the different craft— speed;
收线采用Z4直流电机或变频电机驱动,配有四档齿轮变速,并设有摩擦离合器,能满足不同工艺速度使用; wxoudian




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