

单词 drilling line
释义 drilling line短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
A floor man cleans the end of the newly cut drilling line fast line with a wire brush detergent.
由一个钻工用钢丝刷和洗涤剂把刚割断的快绳头清洗干净。 blog.sina.com.cn

Always slip and cut the drilling line with the drill string in the cased hole and the bit is at or near the casing shoe.
滑大绳或者倒大绳时,一定要把钻具下到套管内,使钻头处在或接近套管鞋。 blog.sina.com.cn

As a precaution against drilling line failure due to fatigue, the work done by the drilling line is closely monitored and limited.
用于防范钢丝绳失效,钢丝绳所做的功被仔细检测并受到限制。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Ensure that the drilling line is in tension at all times. Slack in the drilling line can not be tolerated.
要确保大绳一直处于拉紧状态,不允许把大绳缠松出间隙。 blog.sina.com.cn

Evaluation of the service life of a rotary drilling line is of great importance to ensuring safe drilling and reducing drilling cost.
钢丝绳使用寿命评定对确保钻井安全与降低钻井成本具有十分重要的意义。 chemyq

For added holding and pulling strength, drive four nails through the snake and the drilling line, wrap the snake with soft wire and tape the entire length.
为了增加抗拉强度,在穿蛇皮接绳器的部位再钉四个钉子,然后用铁丝和胶带包起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Prior to lowering the top drive system or rigging down, ensure that sufficient wraps of drilling line remain on the drum.
在下放或拆卸顶驱系统之前,要保证辊筒上留有足够的大绳圈数。 blog.sina.com.cn

The theoretical research in the vibration of drilling line has a large limitation because it is based on the traditional theory of vibration.
鉴于目前钻杆柱振动理论有较大的局限性,本文引用新近发展起来的随机振动理论研究钻杆柱的振动。 cnki

This reeling out and in of the drilling line causes the traveling block, and whatever may be hanging underneath it, to be lowered into or raised out of the wellbore.
这种钢丝绳沿滚筒松开和缠绕引起游动滑车从井眼内下降或上升,无论游动滑车下面悬挂的是什么东西。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Under all circumstances, visual inspection of the drilling line must take precedence over the predetermined slip and cut procedure.
在任何情况下,在预定滑大绳或倒大绳之前,都要先对大绳进行直观检查。 blog.sina.com.cn

While we were slipping drilling line, they were measuring drill pipes.
当我们滑大绳的时候,他们在仗量钻具。 kuenglish




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