

单词 drifting off
释义 drifting off短语⁵⁰⁷⁸⁶
My sleepiness test is that if I couldn't read a book for more than a page or two without drifting off, I'm ready for bed.
每当我无法集中注意力看上一两页的书,我就知道我已经困了,然后我就去睡觉。 yeeyan

Rumble strips, which alert drowsy drivers when they are drifting off the pavement, are more common, as are barriers that prevent vehicles from sliding across medians of divided highways.
振动带以及隔离带都更为普及。振动带能够在困倦的司机偏离车道时起到提醒的作用,而隔离带能够防止汽车越线开向逆行车道。 www.szedu.com.cn

That is because they are drifting off course in a very intriguing way.
有趣之处在于:它们正在以一种颇为不可思议的方式偏离轨道。 yeeyan

And then it's as if I'm drifting off to exile inside myself with only a shell remaining.
然后我就躲进自己的世界,自我放逐,仅留下一个外壳。 yeeyan

He's always drifting off in class.
他在课堂上总是神不守舍。 http://dictionary.reverso.net

I sometimes think of God while drifting off to sleep.

Many times, she was too into thinking or whatever she was doing, drifting off the road, she almost got hit by the cars passing by.
有时候她想什么入了神或是因为什么别的原因,走着走着就偏离了走道,险些要被路过的车子撞到。 yeeyan

People with low latent inhibition are literally unable to close their mind, to keep the spotlight of attention from drifting off to the far corners of the stage.
正如病名所指,患有低危抑制症的人无法封闭自己的大脑,无法控制自己的目光从聚光灯下游移到舞台角落。 yeeyan

To exert control and supervision will be the chief means to ensure the aims not drifting off the course.
加强控制与监督,是保证管理工作不偏离目标方向的重要手段。 cnki




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