

单词 dried fruit
释义 dried fruit ˌdraɪdˈfruːt ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³⁶⁵⁹¹

fruit preserved by drying The official recipes also suggested grated apples and chopped prunes and dried elderberries to replace the missing dried fruit.
官方的食谱也建议用苹果碎、碎西梅干和干接骨木果来代替所缺的果脯。 putclub.com

But, if you must eat on the go, choose healthful fare such as fresh or dried fruit, veggies, whole-grain crackers and cheese.
但如果你不得不在行走中填饱肚子,那就尽量选择健康的饮食,比如新鲜水果或者干果,蔬菜,全麦饼干和奶酪。 yeeyan

But for convenience and shelf life, use dried fruit as your back-up plan.
但为了方便,保质期,你可以吧干果作为后备计划。 examw

Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha.
人们会为佛祖准备好有豆子、坚果和干果的大米粥,寺庙里也会唱起佛经。 hjenglish

Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with rice, beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha.
腊月初八这天,寺庙里的僧侣吟诵佛经,用大米、豆子、坚果、干果等做成的腊八粥被供奉在佛像前。 edu.sina.com.cn

They’re filled with whole oats, nuts, seeds and bits of dried fruit— how could that be a bad thing?
它富含燕麦、坚果,胚芽和少量干果——怎么可能不健康呢? yeeyan

They were also given some dried fruit, cured meats and a portion of fatty meat as a weekly treat.
他们每个星期也可以吃一些干果、熏制的肉类和一份肥肉。 yeeyan

Dried fruit has come in for the first time, while women's fleeces are out. Hardboard is being replaced by MDF.
干果首次入篮,而女用绒头织物出篮。硬质纤维板出篮,取而代之的是中密度纤维板。 yeeyan




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